Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who Is Hurting In Your World?

Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.

(Philippians 2:3b, NLT)

Good Morning!

It is difficult to imagine the pain of the family and friends that lost their loved ones in the Virginia Tech massacre. There are few tragedies that people across the states take time to focus upon. The name, “United States of America," first given on July 4, 1976, indicated the power of the thirteen states being united. There is power in people coming together acknowledging the pain and needs of others through prayer and compassion.

Who is hurting in your world today?

The Apostle Paul discussed the need to look beyond self in Philippians.

Be humble: To be humble requires an individual to believe the focus in life goes beyond self. Those who are humble recognize that God is All in all with an awareness that humanity is the created of the Creator. In turn, the humble individual believes God has created others with a plan and a purpose.

Who is hurting in your world today?

Thinking of others as better than yourself: Rather than competition or ambition, a follower of Christ submits to the presence of God and reaches out to others with extreme compassion.

Who is hurting in your world today?

Assess the needs of others.
Pray for others.
Reach out in compassion.
Learning with you to care for others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)