"If any of you is deficient in wisdom,
let him ask of the giving God (Who gives)
to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly,
without reproaching or faultfinding,
and it will be given him"
(James 1:5, AMP)
Good Morning,
We never really understood how quickly our children would grow into adults. It seems they grew up in a day and left. At times, I would love to turn the clock back and re-do their childhood. Of course, I would do many things differently according to all the lessons we learned.
Ultimately understanding life occurs through the Spirit of God. The book of James discusses our need to understand life through the wisdom of God:
If any of you is deficient in wisdom: There is no greater way to acquire education in life principles than through the guidance and counseling of the Holy Spirit. Admitting the need for wisdom opens our minds to the teaching power of the Spirit.
Admit your need for wisdom through the guidance and counseling of the Spirit of God.
Let him ask of the giving God (Who gives)
to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly:
Ask God for clarity. He will give understanding beyond human comprehension! The Spirit of God reveals wisdom from the mind of God without restraint.
Ask for wisdom beyond human comprehension.
Without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him: Wisdom is given through the Light. The Spirit of God enables us to grasp and respond to divine wisdom irregardless of our limitations.
Discern through the Light of wisdom.
Learning with you to understand life through divine wisdom,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)