And this is my prayer,
that your love may overflow more and more
with knowledge and full insight
(Philippians 1:9, NRS)
Good Morning,
I talked with a friend that once experienced total rejection by family and friends because of some poor choices. Life changed when my friend discovered the love of God overpowers rejection. Accordingly, my friend now impacts rejected and lonely individuals through the powerful and overflowing love of God.
The Apostle Paul wrote about the overflowing love that transforms individuals for all of eternity in the book of Philippians:
And this is my prayer: Every circumstance is an opportunity to be actively dependent on God through prayer. Taking time to pray develops our clarity that reality is seen through prayer rather than by circumstance.
That your love may overflow more and more: The abiding presence of God becomes a wellspring of love within our mind, heart, and soul. Love grows through understanding the Source through studying the scriptures and praying. His love overflows until others are not only splashed but saturated with the love of God through our words and actions. God gives so much love that we have the opportunity to be overflowing with love all the time.
With knowledge and full insight: Knowledge with full insight occurs through a personal experience. In other words, we understand that the love of God will never be contained. His love moves into the hearts of the most resistant individuals to the point that love becomes irresistible for the first time in life.
Take time to specifically splash an individual with the overflowing love of God.
Learning with you to experience and share His overflowing love.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)