Carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! (Philippians 2:8c, AMP)
Good Morning!
Road construction blocked the main and alternative routes that I use to travel from our home to work. A significant amount of time was used to get around the road blocks. Crankiness began to settle in until I noticed several small groups of birds in perfect “v” configurations covering the sky.
My spirit lifted. I thanked God for allowing me to see the formation of the fabulous feathered flyers. As my grateful attitude shone from sea to sea . . . the flying phenomena left a message . . . apparently they had too many worms for breakfast . . . their leftovers splattered all over my window. I erupted into laughter.
Message received: Get over yourself. The day is not all about you.
Got it!
Christ Jesus relayed the message of love as discussed in Philippians 2.
Carried His obedience to the extreme of death the death of the cross:
Christ chose to experience death for the sake of humanity. He took the route of the death reserved for criminals. Crucifixion provided a way to torture and humiliate the victim on the cross. Christ counted humanity worth the cost of an agonizing death. The story did not end in death but through the power revealed through His resurrected life. Humanity has the opportunity to be fulfilled through the life of Christ.
Every day provides an opportunity to experience the fulfillment of life through Christ.
What is your day about?
Determine if the day is me-centered or Christ-centered.
Dying to self is central to living fully for Christ Jesus.
Dying to self is a daily event.
Celebrate living for Christ rather than for self.
Learning with you to live for Christ on a daily basis,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)