Friday, April 6, 2007

Gratefulness For Others

I thank my God
every time
I remember you.
(Philippians 1:3, NRS)

Good Morning,

Tricia and Tiffany flew out of town with Timothy. They will explore classes and the campus of the university they attended for their under graduate degree. The purpose of the trip is to help Timothy narrow down his education choices for the next season of his life. We are grateful for their help.

The Apostle Paul wrote about gratefulness for others in the book of Philippians:

I thank my God: Paul expressed intimacy with God using the word, “my,” as he gave thanks. Giving thanks to God for others acknowledges His divine working in and through individuals.

Every time: Continual gratefulness for others draws our perspective away from selfish needs to the good work of God. Prayers of thanksgiving move our hearts to see what God is doing.

I remember you: We impact others by giving thanks to God when we remember them. Remembering is the active work of keeping something or someone within our mind. In this case, the activity of remembering elicited the attitude of gratitude.

Gratefulness transforms our attitude.
Actively think of others in gratefulness.
Give thanks for the work of God in others.
Learning with you to give thanks for others,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)!