Friday, April 6, 2007

Miraculous Right-Doings

For in it the righteousness of God
is revealed through faith for faith;
as it is written,
"The one who is righteous will live by faith."
(Romans 1:17, NRS)

Good Morning,

Our internet weather forecast predicted abundant sunshine yesterday. Days are usually cloudy and rainy this time of year. Sunshine is rare. Abundant sunshine could be considered a miracle. Every miracle needs to be experienced and enjoyed.

The Apostle Paul wrote about the miracle of the gospel (Life-message) of God. The Life-message of God is not to be taken for granted but to be experienced as a miracle in the details of each day.

For in it the righteousness of God: Righteousness of God can be translated as the right-doing of God. Everything God does is perfectly right. His way and will is always perfectly right.

Have you experienced the miraculous right-doings of God today?

Is revealed through faith for faith: The word, “is,” delineates the ongoing and continual right-doing of God through faith.

Have you experienced the miraculous right-doings through faith in God today?

As it is written, "The one who is righteous will live by faith": Individuals who invite God to lead them throughout the day will be directed to go the right way and do the right thing. His right-doing is discerned through faith (trust, reliance, assurance).

Are you willing to live by faith today and be a part of the right-doings of God?

The Apostle Paul knew about the right-doings of God before he met Jesus Christ. When he asked Christ to come into his life, the Apostle Paul miraculously experienced God’s right-doing power within his inner being. There is a difference between knowing and experiencing the right-doings of God.

In the midst of the wrong-doings of the world—those who have faith in God have the miraculous opportunity to experience divine right-doings throughout the day.

Surrender to the right-doings of God today.
Experience the break-through right-doing power in your thoughts, words, and actions through faith (trust, reliance, assurance).

Learning with you to live in the miraculous right-doings of God,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)