Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Bragathon

So that I may share abundantly
in your boasting in Christ Jesus
when I come to you again.
(Philippians 1:26, NLT)

Good Morning,

A friend informed me that he had earned bragging rights. Who says that? I mean really—seriously—are you kidding? And then the bragathon began . . . you know what I mean . . . a long never-ending list of all too wonderful things to brag about. By the way, I think the word, bragathon, should be placed in Webster’s dictionary. . . .
Anyway . . . somewhere during the discourse of bragging, I wanted to join in on the bragathon. His bragging was contagious. In fact, I wanted to prove that there was some bragging in me . . . oh yeah . . . well let me tell you this . . . I have never had so much fun. Why? Because my friend bragged about all the things God has done for his family while he struggled with a life-threatening disease. I was energized and found myself bragging long after the bragathon had finished.

Truth be told, I think the Apostle Paul could seriously brag. Meditate on Philippians 1:26—he definitely initiated a bragathon:

So that I may share abundantly in your boasting in Christ Jesus: Joy overflowed from Paul’s life because he recognized the work of Christ Jesus. Life turns upside down when we realize that something was done through the power of the abiding Spirit of God.

Brag with praise and thanksgiving about the powerful work of God. Begin a bragathon.

When I come to you again:
Paul planned on coming to join the people to share the joy of God’s presence and power. There is nothing like a group of people bragging about the activity of God.

Brag with your friends. Join a bragathon.

Take time to brag about the presence of God today.
Get wild and brag about the activity of Christ.
I mean make it a bragathon.

I can’t wait for the next bragathon— really—seriously—not kidding!

Learning with you to participate in bragathons,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)