And because of my imprisonment,
many of the Christians here have gained confidence
and become more bold in telling others about Christ.
(Philippians 1:14, NLT)
Good Morning,
I listened to my friend’s son explain the reasoning of not cleaning his room. When asked why he did not clean his room the young boy used one word, “Because.” The word, because, is a conjunction in our language to help give a reason for our thoughts, words, actions, and circumstances. After further discussion, the young boy gave a detailed list of all the circumstances that had prevented him from cleaning his bedroom. He might have had fewer consequences for his actions if he had stopped with the word, because.
The Apostle Paul realized there were divine reasons for his imprisonment, explaining in Philippians 1:
And because of my imprisonment, many of the Christians here have gained confidence: People witnessed Paul’s faithfulness to God despite being imprisoned for his faith. They gained confidence of living in faith because of his faith.
Because the Spirit of Christ actively lives within those who invite Him into their life . . . you and I change . . . as does the world.
What do others gain because of your example?
And become more bold in telling others about Christ: Paul’s loyalty to Christ Jesus elicited a response in others. Those who are loyal are willing to live and prepared to die for the reason of their loyalty. The loyalty of Christ followers grew and their boldness to tell others about Christ grew though it could mean imprisonment and/or death.
Because of Christ in you . . . the history of individuals will change.
How does your life elicit boldness in others?
Live for Christ because . . .
Learning with you to live for Christ because,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)