Fill up and complete my joy ... (Philippians 2:2a, AMP)
Good Morning!
Timothy and his team played baseball in the rain and mud. They slipped and slid through the mud. Each of the teenage boys appeared to enjoy the muddy mess. Apparently, sliding through the mud is fun. Who knew?
Humanity is created to have fun and to experience joy. The Apostle Paul explained his personal joy in Philippians 2.
Fill up: Humanity has the capacity to experience being filled and/or emptied. The Psalmist illustrated this human condition as a cup: The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. (Psalm 16:5m NRS).
What is in your cup?
And complete my joy: The Apostle Paul experienced joy when others lived through the power of the Spirit. His cup was filled with complete joy because of what God was doing within individual lives.
What is in your cup?
Evaluate your cup (condition) today.
Is your cup drained?
Is your cup partially filled?
Is your cup completely filled?
Fill up with joy because of what God is doing today.
Learning with you to have a cup filled with joy,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)