We are in this fight together.
You have seen me suffer for him in the past,
and you know that I am still in the midst of this great struggle.
(Philippians 1:30, NLT)
Good Morning,
I stood in a grocery store line. I waited as people ahead of me made their transactions. Then it happened, a customer began unloading his unhappiness upon the clerk. Apparently, an advertised sale item had been charged to the customer at the regular price. The man rambled, ranted, raved, and went into an all out rage. Unfortunately, the customer could not detach from his rage after the clerk changed the price. The raging customer was ushered out of the store as he aptly expressed his feelings.
The situation illustrates the struggle of humanity. Nothing satisfies an individual until the presence of God is received. The Apostle Paul wrote of the struggle in Philippians 1:
We are in this fight together: Humanity is in a constant battle between the darkness of evil and the light of God. The ultimate battle occurred when Christ faced the darkness of humanity. Christ stood before the kings of the earth, convicted, and sent to the cross. He stood in strength to close the gap between God and humanity. The Light of God pierced the darkness which prevails today.
You have seen me suffer for him in the past: Jesus suffered from humanity’s betrayal, denial, beatings, and execution through crucifixion. He put aside divine power and chose to suffer for all of humanity. The suffering of Christ remains timeless.
And you know that I am still in the midst of this great struggle: The struggle between the darkness and the Light continue. The intensity of the struggle can’t be underestimated.
Christ won the battle of the struggle closing the gap between God and humanity.
Acknowledge the struggle that exists for all of humanity.
Acknowledge the struggle that Christ had on the cross for all of humanity.
Acknowledge the victory of Christ.
Acknowledge the personal need for Christ to overcome the struggle.
Personally accept the presence and power of Christ today.
Christ conquers humanity’s struggle!
Learning with you that the struggle is conquered through Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)