Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's All Good!

For to me,
living is for Christ,
and dying is even better.
(Philippians 1:21, NLT)

Good Morning,

Timothy is on Spring Break this week. Some of his friends are vacationing at resorts; however, Timothy is staying home with plans to do a variety of activities, including baseball. It’s all good!

The Apostle Paul discussed the goodness of the presence of Christ in Philippians 1:

For to me, living is for Christ: The active, energizing presence of Christ defined life for the Apostle Paul. Accordingly, Paul filtered every thought, feeling, word, and action through the presence/power of Christ Jesus.

The presence of Christ in every component of life is good.

And dying is even better: The Apostle Paul defined dying through the presence of Christ. The circumstance of death did not change Paul’s passion for Christ Jesus. He discovered the power of Christ transcended death. In other words, the divine presence of Christ is unchanging whatever our circumstance.

The presence of Christ in death is good.

It’s all good!

Learning with you of the goodness of Christ in life and death,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)