And I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters,
that everything that has happened to me here
has helped to spread the Good News.
(Philippians 1:12, NLT)
Good Morning,
I love the “happy dance.” The happy dance is an outward celebration of life revealing a grateful heart to God, irregardless of circumstances.
When the unexpected occurs—do the happy dance!
When something long awaited comes your way—do the happy dance!
When you take a break from work—do the happy dance!
When you smell the first spring rain—do the happy dance!
When you hug a wet puppy—do the happy dance!
When you complete a task—do the happy dance!
Happy dancing is contagious. Happy dancing communicates celebration. I think the Apostle Paul did the happy dance when he spoke about the abiding presence of God. He wrote in Philippians 1 that God used everything in his life to help spread the Message:
And I want you to know: The Apostle Paul wanted the reader to grasp and comprehend the fact that in God’s economy nothing is wasted—do the happy dance!
Dear brothers and sisters that everything that has happened to me here
has helped to spread the Good News: Paul determined that everything that occurred in his life, including imprisonment, was used of God to spread the Good News. God uses all things, good and difficult, for good—do the happy dance!
At least once a day find a reason to do the happy dance!
Believe God will bring all things together and—Do the happy dance!
Learning with you to do the happy dance!
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)