Monday, April 30, 2007

Fresh Start

Therefore [because He stooped so low] . . . (Philippians 2:9a, AMP)

Good Morning!

We attended my nephew’s sixteenth birthday party in a restaurant. Our waitress was not only gracious but genuinely glad to serve us. She joined some of our conversations and helped us to sing the birthday song. Let me explain . . .

While some of the family members possess rich harmonizing voices, there are a few of us that . . . well . . . can’t sing. Apparently, our first attempt to sing the birthday ditty caused her to be concerned. Consequently, she suggested we might consider starting over and led us through the whole chorus. We finished with our typical rowdy and prolonged applause and cheers.

Humanity has been created to have a fresh start. In fact, every day is an opportunity to be made new. Becoming aware of being made new through Christ is a major event as well as an on-going daily occurrence. The process of becoming new every day occurs when we take a daily spiritual walk to the cross. At the cross, Jesus took the position of a slave, freeing humanity to receive the opportunity to live fully and abundantly every day.

Therefore [because He stooped so low]: Jesus stooped low, the position of a slave. He became a slave so that humanity could have a fresh new beginning freed from the sin.

Centuries before Christ Jesus went to the cross, the ancient prophets declared:
Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them.
Sing to the LORD a new song;
And His praise from the ends of the earth, You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, You coastlands and you inhabitants of them!
(Isaiah 42:9-10)

Meditate on what it means to be continually made new through the power of Christ.
Give thanks for being made new every day.
Sing a new song to the Lord.
Praise God.
Celebrate. Take time for a prolonged applause and cheers for the opportunity of a fresh start . . . being made new . . . on this new day!
Learning with you to be aware of the opportunity to start fresh,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Is Today About Me?

Carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! (Philippians 2:8c, AMP)

Good Morning!

Road construction blocked the main and alternative routes that I use to travel from our home to work. A significant amount of time was used to get around the road blocks. Crankiness began to settle in until I noticed several small groups of birds in perfect “v” configurations covering the sky.

My spirit lifted. I thanked God for allowing me to see the formation of the fabulous feathered flyers. As my grateful attitude shone from sea to sea . . . the flying phenomena left a message . . . apparently they had too many worms for breakfast . . . their leftovers splattered all over my window. I erupted into laughter.

Message received: Get over yourself. The day is not all about you.
Got it!

Christ Jesus relayed the message of love as discussed in Philippians 2.

Carried His obedience to the extreme of death the death of the cross:
Christ chose to experience death for the sake of humanity. He took the route of the death reserved for criminals. Crucifixion provided a way to torture and humiliate the victim on the cross. Christ counted humanity worth the cost of an agonizing death. The story did not end in death but through the power revealed through His resurrected life. Humanity has the opportunity to be fulfilled through the life of Christ.

Every day provides an opportunity to experience the fulfillment of life through Christ.
What is your day about?
Determine if the day is me-centered or Christ-centered.
Dying to self is central to living fully for Christ Jesus.
Dying to self is a daily event.
Celebrate living for Christ rather than for self.

Learning with you to live for Christ on a daily basis,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Combat Zone

. . . and carried His obedience to the extreme. . . (Philippians 2:8b, AMP)

Good Morning!

My friend’s doctor told him to lose twenty pounds to avoid health problems. He has never focused on food, eating whatever was available. After hearing the word, “diet,” his thoughts became focused on food. For the first time in his life, he is thinking of food he shouldn’t eat. Dieting has produced a battle in his mind.

There is a combat zone in every mind.

Christ Jesus understands the battle within the mind. A moment in time was recorded in the gospel of Matthew:
He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground, praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine." (26:39, NLT)

Christ Jesus won the battle as told in Philippians 2:8b:

. . . And carried His obedience to the extreme:
Obedience requires intention and action, which begins within the mind. Ultimately, obedience requires thoughts of disobedience to be surrendered and let go from the thought process. While obedience becomes easier for the individual who repeatedly chooses to obey, thoughts of disobedience will run through the mind.

The ancient King David explained to his son that God knows what occurs in the battle zone of the mind:
And Solomon, my son, get to know the God of your ancestors. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and with a willing mind. For the LORD sees every heart and understands and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. (I Chronicles 28:9, NLT).

Examine the combat zone of your mind.
Determine what thoughts battle with the will of God.
Choose to think and act in extreme obedience.
Celebrate winning battles in the combat zone of your mind.

Learning with you to win battles in the combat zone,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved) Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What Is In Your Heart Today?

And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] . . .
(Philippians 2:8a, AMP)

Good Morning!

A friend told me about individuals choosing to do wrong. As we talked, it became apparent that their wrong-doing had been pre-meditated. Their pre-determined actions reveal their authentic self, the heart.

Behavior reveals the heart.

The actions of Christ Jesus revealed the heart of God as told in Philippians 2:8a:

And after He had appeared in human form:
The mystery of Christ being fully human and divine remains; however, the heart of God was revealed through Christ taking on the form of humanity.

He abased and humbled Himself [still further] . . .
In the ancient days, much like today, people were defined by their position and power. Christ Jesus put aside all position and power to serve humanity.

What is in your heart today?
Renew yourself. Ask Christ to create a new heart in you today.
Release the attitudes and actions that inhibit Christ–like behavior.
Allow others to see Christ in your heart.

Learning with you to live so others can see Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Are You Living In Reality?

… but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
(Philippians 2:7, NASB)

Good Morning!

There is a place to view the city a short distance from our home. As we make our way along the road, through the hills, we come to a plateau which provides a panoramic perspective. In the dark of the night, the city lights are displayed as far as the eye can be seen from our perch. And yet . . . beyond our view there is an unseen reality . . . the people who live within the city.

Do they live in Reality?

The book of Philippians provides a view of the Reality of Life.

But emptied Himself:
Christ chose to reveal Himself in humanity rather than deity; however, Christ retained His divine nature. He emptied Himself to fill the mind, soul, and body of humanity, making humanity new and whole. He is Reality. Living in Reality turns humanity upside down. In Reality all things are possible.

Taking the form of a bond-servant:
Christ took on the form of a bond-servant for humanity. He came to earth as a servant to liberate humanity. Humanity’s freedom through Christ forms a new song and dance within our being. Today is a new day of liberation in Reality!

And being made in the likeness of men:
Christ Jesus became like humanity to transform humanity. He understands humanity’s limitations. In Reality, humanity is released to live beyond what the human mind can think, ask or imagine!

Are you living in Reality?
Remember all things are possible in Reality.
Live in the freedom of Reality today.
Live beyond humanity's limitations through Reality.
Live in Reality.

Learning with you to live fully in Reality,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Prerogatives Put Aside

For he, who had always been God by nature, did not cling to his prerogatives as God's equal,
(Philippians 2:6, Phillips)

Good Morning!

Currently, rain and baseball seem to be the constants of our life, which frequently merge together to provide some challenging moments. Baseball in the rain is a whole different game than in the sun. Of course, we attend the games, rain or shine, for the sake of the players.

The Apostle Paul delineated that Christ Jesus put aside his divine prerogatives for the sake of each individual of humanity:

For he, who had always been God by nature:

The Gospel of John explained the identity of Christ Jesus.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made.
In him was life,
and that life was the light of men.
(John 1:1-4, NIV)

Jesus revealed the glory He put aside for humanity’s sake.
And now, Father,
bring me into the glory
we shared before the world began.
(John 17:5, NLT)

The author of Hebrews confirmed that the nature of Jesus
never did and never will altar or change.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,
and forever.
( Hebrews 13:8, NKJ)

Did not cling to his prerogatives as God's equal:
Jesus stepped out of the divine heavenly realm to join humanity. He came to serve and save humanity.

Christ Jesus put aside His divine prerogatives for all of humanity.
Put aside time to give thanks to Christ and celebrate! Christ Jesus came for you!
Choose to put prerogatives aside to serve humanity for the sake of Christ Jesus.

Learning with you to put prerogatives aside to serve,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Muddy Thinking

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
(Philippians 2:5, KJV)
Good Morning,

Yesterday was a beautiful and sunny day. While admiring the blue sky and bright sun, I stepped into a big mud puddle. I failed to notice the drain in the parking lot had filled up. My thoughts were not so sunny when I stepped into the center of the puddle. It was an effort to get my mind off the mud filling my shoes. Think about it . .

The Apostle Paul discussed the discipline of thinking the way Jesus thinks in Philippians 2:

Let this mind be in you: The mind has been created to be transformed through the power of Christ Jesus; however, we slip into muddy thinking easily. How we think is a key component to how we live. Proverbs gives a succinct insight to the power of our thoughts: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJ) Jesus had a mind of acceptance, a mind of love, a mind of service, a mind of sacrifice . . .

Which was also in Christ Jesus: Humanity has been created to think and behave in the way Christ Jesus demonstrated. We must constantly monitor our thoughts. The mind easily steps into the mud of wrong thinking about ourselves, others, and life in general. In turn, the mind becomes muddier until there is confession, release, and renewing of the mind through Christ Jesus.

Avoid muddy thinking.
Assess your thoughts.
Renew your mind through Christ Jesus.
Ask Christ Jesus to control your thoughts.
Confess muddy thoughts.
Discover the joy of living free from the mud of wrong thinking.

Learning with you to stay out of muddy thinking,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Interesting . . .

Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests, but also each for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:4, AMP)

Good Morning!

Believe it or not, there are times that I am at a loss for words. What do you say when someone says something that . . . well. . . makes little sense? I have learned over the years to say—Wow. . . . that is so . . . so . . . interesting. I may not understand what they said; however, I am interested in them.

Once again, the Apostle Paul said it was important to be interested in the lives of others:

Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests: A follower of Christ develops a genuine interest in others. A meaningful life occurs through refusing to be self –centered and choosing to be caring for others.

But also each for the interests of others: A component of being other-centered is to realize that humanity is the created of the Creator. The “haves” are not superior to the “have-nots” in this world; however, the mentality of humanity often assumes power, possessions, and position generates superiority.

Be interested in others today.
Listen to someone today.
Honor someone today.
Randomly bless someone today.

Learning with you to be interested in others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who Is Hurting In Your World?

Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.

(Philippians 2:3b, NLT)

Good Morning!

It is difficult to imagine the pain of the family and friends that lost their loved ones in the Virginia Tech massacre. There are few tragedies that people across the states take time to focus upon. The name, “United States of America," first given on July 4, 1976, indicated the power of the thirteen states being united. There is power in people coming together acknowledging the pain and needs of others through prayer and compassion.

Who is hurting in your world today?

The Apostle Paul discussed the need to look beyond self in Philippians.

Be humble: To be humble requires an individual to believe the focus in life goes beyond self. Those who are humble recognize that God is All in all with an awareness that humanity is the created of the Creator. In turn, the humble individual believes God has created others with a plan and a purpose.

Who is hurting in your world today?

Thinking of others as better than yourself: Rather than competition or ambition, a follower of Christ submits to the presence of God and reaches out to others with extreme compassion.

Who is hurting in your world today?

Assess the needs of others.
Pray for others.
Reach out in compassion.
Learning with you to care for others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Lurking Beneath The Surface

Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. (Philippians 2:3a, NLT)

Good Morning!

I looked through our kitchen window admiring the freshly mowed green grass in our backyard. It looked beautiful until . . . a patch of ground began shaking and moving . . . and then . . . a gopher pushed up and through the ground, leaving a pile of dirt behind. While it looked good, there was an actual problem lurking beneath the surface of our yard.

The Apostle Paul discussed the truth of what lurks beneath our personal life in Philippians 2:

Don't be selfish: In the New Testament Greek language, the Apostle Paul explains the joy of unity is experienced through doing nothing out of selfishness. That said, there are times that people feel overwhelming pressure from circumstances and respond to the pressure. The focus to reduce the pressure consumes an individual’s thoughts, words, and actions. Thus, the response to remove the pressure places a focus on self rather than on the leading of the Spirit of God. Yikes! Selfishness may be out of control in this stress and pressure-filled era.

Does selfishness lurk beneath your behavior?

Don't live to make a good impression on others: Authenticity is a sought after commodity. Too many work at looking put-together as if they have everything all-together; however, there are wrong behaviors behind the pretense of genuine conduct. People may succumb to stress, respond wrongly in a situation, hide their wrong behavior, and justify their less then real authenticity. An individual stops being who they are when wrong behavior lurks beneath the surface of his or her life.

Is anything lurking beneath the surface of your life?

Have you left a pile of “dirt” somewhere?

Get real. Be authentic. Follow the way of Christ Jesus.

Learning with you to be honest about something lurking beneath the surface of life,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Today’s Travels

. . . by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose . . . (Philippians 2:2b, AMP)

Good Morning!

Tim’s baseball team mates are unique. They have different personalities, abilities, and gifts; however, they have learned how to play the game with a united effort. The process of unity is accomplished through listening and obeying what the coach says to do. Each player chooses to be united, working as a team, through the direction of their shared coach.

The Apostle Paul wrote about living in unity through the same Spirit:

. . . By living in harmony and being of the same mind: The Apostle Paul supported a lifestyle of unity in diversity. True unity is produced through listening and obeying the Spirit of God. Our thoughts converge through the work of the Spirit as we seek the Word of God. The same mind is formed through surrendering to the Spirit of God.

One in purpose: The word, “one,” denotes a coming together or a union. Sharing the purpose of God produces anticipation for great and mighty activity. Individuals, who seek the purpose of God, unify their thoughts, words, and actions through the Spirit's presence and power.

Coming together through the presence and power of the Spirit does not reduce our uniqueness but increases the power of our efforts.

Life is an incredible journey when you travel with others
in harmony,
being of the same mind
and one in purpose.

Enjoy today’s travels!

Learning with you to enjoy today's travels with others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Friday, April 13, 2007

What Is In Your Cup?

Fill up and complete my joy ... (Philippians 2:2a, AMP)

Good Morning!

Timothy and his team played baseball in the rain and mud. They slipped and slid through the mud. Each of the teenage boys appeared to enjoy the muddy mess. Apparently, sliding through the mud is fun. Who knew?

Humanity is created to have fun and to experience joy. The Apostle Paul explained his personal joy in Philippians 2.

Fill up: Humanity has the capacity to experience being filled and/or emptied. The Psalmist illustrated this human condition as a cup: The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. (Psalm 16:5m NRS).

What is in your cup?

And complete my joy: The Apostle Paul experienced joy when others lived through the power of the Spirit. His cup was filled with complete joy because of what God was doing within individual lives.

What is in your cup?

Evaluate your cup (condition) today.
Is your cup drained?
Is your cup partially filled?
Is your cup completely filled?
Fill up with joy because of what God is doing today.

Learning with you to have a cup filled with joy,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Where Is the Love?

. . . Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? . . .

(Philippians 2:1d, NLT)

Good Morning!

Sometimes freeway driving can be scary. Drivers can be vicious, particularly semi-truck drivers. The scariest moment, for me, is when a semi truck pulling three trailers tries to cut me off. Let me make it clear, there are wonderful truck drivers who are gracious and take their time changing lanes; however, the few individuals who decide to use their size and take advantage of the smaller vehicles can be killers.

Where is the love?

Paul discussed the need to operate in the love of Christ offering tenderness and sympathy to others:

Are your hearts: Those connected to Christ experience the dynamic power of his love flowing through their thoughts, words, and actions.

Every opportunity is a day to reveal love.

Tender and sympathetic: These words define compassion which are components of love in action. Lamentations describes compassion to be new every morning.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."
(Lamentations 3:21-24, NIV)

Compassion, love in action, flows from the heart of God. His compassion never fails and is new every day. In turn, the compassion of God continually moves in and through our life. When our life aligns with the love of God we become a conduit of His compassion.

Assess relationships, circumstances, feelings, thoughts, words and actions in your life. Ask: “Where is the love?”

Activate your love and connect with others through compassion rooted in the love of God.

Learning with you to offer love,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


. . . Any sharing in the Spirit. . .
(Philippians 2:1c, NRS)

Good Morning

I am unable to describe the energy that Tim and his friends possess. Let me just say, I get tired thinking about their energy. As the teens finish their high school days they seem to be gearing up for the next season of life with an exorbitant amount of energy. In fact, their energy remains in the room long after they are gone. Their energy needs to be shared.

The Apostle Paul described the sharing of the dynamic and powerful energy of the Spirit in Philippians 2:

Any sharing: The reality of living in Christ allows an individual to know the reality of the abiding presence of His Spirit. Nonetheless, too many individuals live without connecting with the Spirit’s energetic empowerment. Every day provides an opportunity to share in the same power that resurrected Christ from the grave.

In the Spirit: We are created to live with the infused dynamic energy of the Spirit of God. Through the Spirit we are enabled to live freely and fully energized regardless of any and all challenges.

Regardless of circumstances, live in the dynamic powerful energy of the Spirit of God.
Share in the power that resurrected Christ.
Live freely and fully energized.

Learning with you to live in the dynamic energy of the Spirit,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Any consolation from love. . .
(Philippians 2:1b, NRS)

Good Morning,

A friend is dying from cancer. He is paralyzed from the waist down due to pressure from a non-operable tumor on the spine. It appears that the end of life is near. During his time of need, family and friends have partnered with him through their love.

The Apostle Paul delineated love as a component of partnering with the Spirit of God in Philippians 2:

Any consolation: The Greek word for consolation, paramuthion, can be defined as solace and support. Paramuthion comes from the effect of love. Broken down, “para” means beside. The Spirit of God comes alongside of an individual infusing consolation into the heart, soul, and mind.

From love: This love is not romantic mushiness. Instead the love of God is strong, which partners with people in their need. Through the power of love, God partners with humanity enabling individuals to sacrifice for the sake of the needs of others. The cost of sacrifice is personal comfort; however, the impact of divine love moving in and through the heart, mind, and soul to touch others far outweighs the benefits of comfort.

Experience the infusing consolation of God.
Partner with the love of God to reach out to others.
Come alongside someone with needs.
Sacrifice comfort to meet the needs of others.

Learning with you to experience life through a divine partnership,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Monday, April 9, 2007


If then there is any encouragement in Christ . . .
(Philippians 2:1a, NRS)

Good Morning,

Do you ever watch people? Be honest. Most of us get caught up in watching others. Some of the best life lessons are learned by watching people.
I will confess, I am a bona fide people watcher.

Some of the best people watching can be found after the loss of a school baseball game. There are some who are unable to tolerate loss. They choose to discourage rather than encourage the kids. We all need encouragement.

The Apostle Paul described divine encouragement in Philippians 2:

If then there is any encouragement: In some translations the word, “therefore,” is used. The Apostle Paul referred the reader back to the first words of the letter to the Philippians. His message relayed the need to be aligned with Christ. The word, encouragement, could also be translated as consoled or comforted from the Greek word, paraklêsis. Divine encouragement is a strengthening process producing internal courage. In effect, to be encouraged is to receive inward courage (in courage).

In Christ: The Spirit of God is the Comforter drawing an individual to the Comfort, Christ Jesus.

Be encouraged through the Spirit of God.
Find comfort and courage from the Source of Comfort and Courage,
Encourage others.

Learning with you to be encouraged and to encourage others,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Struggle

We are in this fight together.
You have seen me suffer for him in the past,
and you know that I am still in the midst of this great struggle.
(Philippians 1:30, NLT)

Good Morning,

I stood in a grocery store line. I waited as people ahead of me made their transactions. Then it happened, a customer began unloading his unhappiness upon the clerk. Apparently, an advertised sale item had been charged to the customer at the regular price. The man rambled, ranted, raved, and went into an all out rage. Unfortunately, the customer could not detach from his rage after the clerk changed the price. The raging customer was ushered out of the store as he aptly expressed his feelings.

The situation illustrates the struggle of humanity. Nothing satisfies an individual until the presence of God is received. The Apostle Paul wrote of the struggle in Philippians 1:

We are in this fight together: Humanity is in a constant battle between the darkness of evil and the light of God. The ultimate battle occurred when Christ faced the darkness of humanity. Christ stood before the kings of the earth, convicted, and sent to the cross. He stood in strength to close the gap between God and humanity. The Light of God pierced the darkness which prevails today.

You have seen me suffer for him in the past: Jesus suffered from humanity’s betrayal, denial, beatings, and execution through crucifixion. He put aside divine power and chose to suffer for all of humanity. The suffering of Christ remains timeless.

And you know that I am still in the midst of this great struggle: The struggle between the darkness and the Light continue. The intensity of the struggle can’t be underestimated.

Christ won the battle of the struggle closing the gap between God and humanity.
Acknowledge the struggle that exists for all of humanity.
Acknowledge the struggle that Christ had on the cross for all of humanity.
Acknowledge the victory of Christ.
Acknowledge the personal need for Christ to overcome the struggle.
Personally accept the presence and power of Christ today.

Christ conquers humanity’s struggle!

Learning with you that the struggle is conquered through Christ,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting
in Christ
but also the privilege of suffering for him.
(Philippians 1:29, NLT)

Good Morning,

Today is Maundy (Holy) Thursday. Centuries ago, Christ invited the disciples to a Passover meal. Before they ate, Christ took off His robe, knelt down, and washed the disciple’s feet. The sandal covered feet were dirty after walking through the dusty roads covered with animal waste.

The act of removing His robe symbolizes Christ willingness to put aside divine power. Christ humbly served those who would betray, deny, and run away in His time of need. He actively aligned with God’s plan for humanity.

The Apostle Paul discussed the privilege of aligning with the lifestyle of Christ (Philippians 1):

For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ: Christ is trustworthy, never failing or forsaking humanity. Never. Trusting God is a willful act to align with the will of God.

But also the privilege of suffering for him: It is difficult to think of suffering as a privilege; however, the focus is aligning our life with Christ in such a way that anything, even suffering, is a privilege. In other words, it is about following the way of Christ Jesus so closely that every detail of life is a privilege.

Live the privileged life.
Willingly trust God.
Willingly do anything for Christ.
Learning with you to live the privileged life,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Not The "E" Key!

Don't be intimidated by your enemies.
This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed,
but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself.
(Philippians 1:28, NLT)

Good Morning,

Last night our family told stories around the dinner table. One of our favorite stories involves a young friend that cleaned his father’s computer keyboard, taking off the keys for a thorough cleaning. As he put the keyboard back together the “E” key broke. Our friend told the story of the mishap to his father.

The father asked, “Which key broke?”

Our friend answered, “The E key.”

The father’s voice rose higher and higher as he repeatedly said, “Not the E key! Not the E key!”

In the midst of discussing life challenges, the friends will cry out, “Not the E key!”

I love story-telling. I can relate to stories of real people. Actually—every day is a part of the big story of God. Dreams, disappointments, and difficulties belong to the story; however, we often are unable to understand how disappointments and difficulties can possibly be a part of the story of God. Of course, when you read the Bible—the disappointments of people are evident. The stories unfold the intervention of God as disappointments and difficulties fit into the plan of God.

The Apostle Paul gave his insights to the bigger story in Philippians 1:

Don't be intimidated by your enemies: Too often disappointments and difficulties become the enemy of living. No one wants an “E” key challenge. Let’s be honest—none of us want to be disappointed or experience difficulties. Even so, God tells us not to fear disappointments and difficulties.

This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself: The story of God reveals God as the Deliverer. The plot of the story may seem to be headed into an “E” key disaster. Whatever it is, even something meant for evil, God will use for good in the big story of God.

Even when the “E” key breaks in your life—God will use disappointments and difficulties for good in His big story.

Learning with you to look at the big story instead of the “E” key,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

This Is Your Day

But whatever happens to me,
you must live in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ,
as citizens of heaven.
Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you,
I will know that you are standing side by side, fighting together for the Good News.
(Philippians 1:27, NLT)

Good Morning,

Today is my birthday—twenty-fours hours of celebration. Actually—it is your day too. We each have a choice to invest or waste time.
Have you ever had a day that you dreaded?
Have you ever had a day that you anticipated?
Have you ever had a day that dragged on and on?
Have you ever had a day without enough time?
Each day measures how we live.
Take a risk.
Celebrate. This is your day!

Paul encouraged the Philippians to live—really live:

But whatever happens to me, you must live in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ, as citizens of heaven:
Queens, Kings, Presidents, and rulers of the nations have the same amount of time that you and I do. The difference between each of us is how we live. The Apostle Paul said to live in a manner worthy of the Good News of Christ. Time is wasted when we live without love, peace, joy, and all out celebration.

This is your day to live in a manner worthy of the abiding presence of Christ.

Then whether I come and see you again or only hear about you,
Know that you are standing side by side, fighting together for the Good News:

Take a firm stand. Live what you believe. Fight for the Good News to be the good news of your day. This is your day to live with passion for Christ.

This is your day.
Regardless of your circumstances—celebrate.
Celebrate the gift of living today.
Celebrate the gift of twenty-four hours to live in a worthy manner.
This is your day.
Learning with you to celebrate living today,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

The Bragathon

So that I may share abundantly
in your boasting in Christ Jesus
when I come to you again.
(Philippians 1:26, NLT)

Good Morning,

A friend informed me that he had earned bragging rights. Who says that? I mean really—seriously—are you kidding? And then the bragathon began . . . you know what I mean . . . a long never-ending list of all too wonderful things to brag about. By the way, I think the word, bragathon, should be placed in Webster’s dictionary. . . .
Anyway . . . somewhere during the discourse of bragging, I wanted to join in on the bragathon. His bragging was contagious. In fact, I wanted to prove that there was some bragging in me . . . oh yeah . . . well let me tell you this . . . I have never had so much fun. Why? Because my friend bragged about all the things God has done for his family while he struggled with a life-threatening disease. I was energized and found myself bragging long after the bragathon had finished.

Truth be told, I think the Apostle Paul could seriously brag. Meditate on Philippians 1:26—he definitely initiated a bragathon:

So that I may share abundantly in your boasting in Christ Jesus: Joy overflowed from Paul’s life because he recognized the work of Christ Jesus. Life turns upside down when we realize that something was done through the power of the abiding Spirit of God.

Brag with praise and thanksgiving about the powerful work of God. Begin a bragathon.

When I come to you again:
Paul planned on coming to join the people to share the joy of God’s presence and power. There is nothing like a group of people bragging about the activity of God.

Brag with your friends. Join a bragathon.

Take time to brag about the presence of God today.
Get wild and brag about the activity of Christ.
I mean make it a bragathon.

I can’t wait for the next bragathon— really—seriously—not kidding!

Learning with you to participate in bragathons,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Time Investments

I am convinced of this,
so I will continue with you
so that you will grow and experience the joy of your faith.
(Philippians 1:25, NLT)

Good Morning,

My grandfather gave me his watch a few days before he died. His words were clear, “I will no longer need the time keeper.” Time is a measurement of what we do with our life. God is eternal, without the limit of time.

The Apostle Paul wrote about his time on earth in Philippians 1:

I am convinced of this: We are limited in this world by the time restraints of the past, present, and future. The Apostle Paul sat in a prison cell, ruminating on what he was supposed to do with his time on earth. After great thought, he was convinced God had a purpose for him to continue to live on earth.

So I will continue with you so that you will grow and experience the joy of your faith:
The Apostle Paul told the Philippians that they were a vital component of his continued purpose on earth. His time on earth would be invested to help them grow and experience the joy of faith. In other words, his purpose was not focused on circumstances but upon people.

Ask God to reveal how to invest your time in the lives of others.

Trust God to connect you with individuals through the dynamic presence of His Spirit.

Seek to help people grow and experience the joy of faith.

Celebrate the time you receive today.

Learning with you to invest time on earth in the lives of others,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Fulfilled Today

But it is better for you that I live.
(Philippians 1:24, NLT)

Good Morning,

I have a friend that has a very active life despite the presence of cancer. She refuses to live defined and/or directed by cancer. Genuine fulfillment comes from the Source of Life. Accordingly, disappointments, disaster, and/or disease will not disseminate the genuine fulfillment of an individual.

The Apostle Paul wrote about fulfillment of life in Philippians 1:

But it is better for you that I live:
The Greek word, “zoe” is translated as life and can be defined as “the fullness of life.” The abiding presence of Christ, who fulfilled all of the ancient prophecies of a Savior, fulfills humanity. He is the Source of Life.

Consequently, the individual who converges with Christ experiences the fullness of life, regardless of the circumstance. Through the power of Christ, an individual will fulfill the purpose of living each day.

The life union with Christ Jesus saves humanity to live a fulfilled and purposeful life.

Be fulfilled.
Live with purpose today.
Live in union with Christ.
Choose to think, speak, and act through the union with Christ throughout the day.
Celebrate the fulfillment of your purpose of living today.

Learning with you to be fulfilled through the life of Christ,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Wait and Trust

I'm torn between two desires:
Sometimes I want to live,
and sometimes I long to go
and be with Christ.
That would be far better for me,
(Philippians 1:23, NLT)

Good Morning,

It is clear that we need to move into the community where I serve as associate pastor. Consequently, we have our home for sale. The process of waiting for someone to purchase our home requires trust that God is in control. So we wait and trust . . .

The Apostle Paul wrote of the need to trust God in the journey of life in Philippians 1:

I'm torn between two desires. Sometimes I want to live, and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ that would be far better for me: The Apostle Paul made his income as a tent maker, he illustrated the body as a tent in 2 Corinthians 5:1—
For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down –
when we die and leave these bodies -- we will have a home in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. (NLT)

In other words, there is a day that we break camp on earth to move to a home in heaven. Whether Paul lived on earth or heaven became a matter of trust.

All that said, trust requires waiting for God to lead and direct our steps. Too often we try to do something on our own rather than trust God.

Relax, God is in control.
Refuse to try to do something without the leading and guiding of God.
Wait for the dynamic power of God to move you forward.
Trust God.
Trust God to bring all the details of your life together for good.

Learning with you to wait and trust,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

What Is Better?

Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ.
I really don't know which is better.
(Philippians 1:22, NLT)

Good Morning,

We watched the coach of a high school baseball team be thrown out of the game after using inappropriate language. Before leaving, he argued with the umpire as both teams observed him. In just a few moments, he relayed a message by his words and actions that will be remembered.

How we respond to circumstances will be observed and remembered by someone.

The Apostle Paul discussed productivity in Philippians 1:

Yet if I live, that means fruitful service for Christ: The Apostle Paul believed living on earth had one sole purpose, which was productiveness for Christ. The abiding power of Christ connects an individual with the purpose of God. The connection is energizing and life-changing.

Are you experiencing the energizing and life changing power of Christ?
What is better?

I really don't know which is better: The Apostle Paul lived out his belief that Christ was the sole purpose to do anything and everything. Evaluate your thoughts, words, and actions.

Are you living out your belief in Christ?
What is better?

Are you productive for Christ?
What is better than to be productive for Christ?

Learning with you that nothing is better than living for Christ,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

It's All Good!

For to me,
living is for Christ,
and dying is even better.
(Philippians 1:21, NLT)

Good Morning,

Timothy is on Spring Break this week. Some of his friends are vacationing at resorts; however, Timothy is staying home with plans to do a variety of activities, including baseball. It’s all good!

The Apostle Paul discussed the goodness of the presence of Christ in Philippians 1:

For to me, living is for Christ: The active, energizing presence of Christ defined life for the Apostle Paul. Accordingly, Paul filtered every thought, feeling, word, and action through the presence/power of Christ Jesus.

The presence of Christ in every component of life is good.

And dying is even better: The Apostle Paul defined dying through the presence of Christ. The circumstance of death did not change Paul’s passion for Christ Jesus. He discovered the power of Christ transcended death. In other words, the divine presence of Christ is unchanging whatever our circumstance.

The presence of Christ in death is good.

It’s all good!

Learning with you of the goodness of Christ in life and death,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Living Out Loud

For I live in eager expectation and hope
that I will never do anything that causes me shame,
but that I will always be bold for Christ,
as I have been in the past,
and that my life will always honor Christ,
whether I live or I die.
(Philippians 1:20, NLT)

Good Morning,

On my drive home last night, I stopped for a woman to walk across the street. She stopped in the middle of the road to search for something in her purse. A driver, behind me, honked the horn. The woman did not pay attention to us. Instead, she pulled out a cell phone from her purse and proceeded to talk on it without moving. I waited while the woman talked and the driver behind me honked.

Finally, the woman finished her discussion on the phone, dropped her phone back into her purse, and crossed the street. The actions of the phone talking pedestrian and honking driver revealed something about themselves. They were living out loud.

The Apostle Paul discussed the way he wanted to live out loud in Philippians 1:

For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will never do anything that causes me shame: Paul developed an intense focus on the presence of Christ Jesus. He explained his intensity as a continual eager expectation and hope, which overpowered other components of living. This is faith lived out loud.

But that I will always be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past: Paul desired to be continually bold for Christ. This is passion lived out loud.

And that my life will always honor Christ, whether I live or I die: Christ became the priority of living for Paul. Christ filled his thoughts, words, and actions, which he described in Galatians 2:20, “Not I, but Christ.” This is authenticity lived out loud.

Learning with you to live out loud for Christ,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

God's Phone Number

For I know that as you pray for me
and as the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me,
this will all turn out for my deliverance.
(Philippians 1:19, NLT)

Good Morning,

At three years of age, Timothy determined that God had a phone number. He told people to call God at Jeremiah 33:3—“Call upon me and I will answer.” God promises to answer our call.

The Apostle Paul discussed prayer in Philippians 1:

For I know that as you pray for me: Prayer is wrapped around the intentional decision to surrender our limited ability to the unlimited power of God.

And as the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me:
Prayer connects humanity with the source of Life.

This will all turn out for my deliverance: Prayer delivers and/or releases us from whatever constrains and hinders our life.

Learning with you to call upon God,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

What Does It Matter?

What does it matter?
Just this, that Christ is proclaimed in every way,
whether out of false motives or true; and in that I rejoice.
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
(Philippians 1:18, NLT)

Good Morning,

I met with a group of people last night with the goal to begin a new ministry. Time moved quickly as we dreamed about serving outside of the “box” we so easily put ourselves in. We talked about the activity of God and how we could serve beyond our experience and imagination. The creativity bounced between one individual to the other.

The Apostle Paul discussed the power of living beyond his experience and other’s expectations in Philippians 1:

What does it matter?: Paul realized that the words and actions of his enemies could not reduce the power of the work of God.

Just this, that Christ is proclaimed in every way, whether out of false motives or true; and in that I rejoice: Joy came from the power of Christ rather than the power of the circumstances. Paul realized that the negativity of others would be used by God despite their intentions. In God’s economy nothing is wasted. He creatively uses all things to work together.

Yes, and I will continue to rejoice: Paul chose to be in a state of joy, continually rejoicing in the active presence of God.

What does it matter?
Refuse to allow the negativity of others block your view of the activity of God.
Rejoice. God is in control.

Learning with you to focus on what matters,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Stay In The Light

Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ.
They preach with selfish ambition,
not sincerely,
intending to make my chains more painful to me.
(Philippians 1:17, NLT)

Good Morning,

After playing five innings of baseball for over four hours in the rain and mud, Tim’s game was called because of darkness. Most of the spectators had supposed that the game would be postponed due to rain. That said, I have learned throughout Timothy’s twelve years of playing baseball that weather rarely rules the game; however, light is necessary to play.

Likewise, we can either manage circumstances through the filter of the Light of God or through darkness. The darkness within the adversaries of the Apostle Paul is evident in Philippians 1:

Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition not sincerely:

Paul continued to preach the Good News despite his imprisonment. The chains of his circumstances did not reroute his purpose. Individuals, against Paul, focused on their own interests and advancement. They attempted to distract and divert the Light of Christ Jesus being seen through Paul’s message.

Intending to make my chains more painful to me:
The enemies of Paul focused on hurting him. Throughout the ages, history records the intent of people to destroy the lives of others. Their motivation is centered in the darkness of hate rather than the Light of love. Hate within an individual usually begins through hurt. In turn, the individual who hates attempts to hurt others.

Paul refused to allow the darkness of hate and hurt to control his decision to remain in the Light.

Light is necessary to see through the darkness of circumstances.
Light reveals the Truth of circumstances.
Light empowers individuals to refuse hurt and/or hate.
Choose to stay in the Light.

Learning with you to stay in the Light,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

What Is Your Position?

They preach because they love me,
for they know the Lord brought me here to defend the Good News.
(Philippians 1:16, NLT)

Good Morning,

Tim finished his last high school soccer game this weekend. He is positioning for new beginnings through the ending of a season of life. Change is a part of our destiny.

The Apostle Paul’s Jewish roots anchored him to faith in the one true God. Paul perceived that Believers in Christ, especially those of Jewish descent, dishonored God. He positioned himself against Believers in Christ. Life changed after Paul experienced the powerful presence of Christ. Those around him saw his life had been completed through the abiding presence of Christ. Paul repositioned his life without Christ to a life positioned with Christ.

The Apostle Paul realized he was destined to defend the Good News of Christ. Accordingly, he positioned himself as a defender of the Good News for all of the days of his life.

Every day we make decisions based on our position in Life.
What is your position?

Learning with you to be positioned in Christ,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Friday, April 6, 2007

You Are The Future

Some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry.
But others preach about Christ with pure motives.
(Philippians 1:15, NLT)

Good Morning,

Tiffany’s third grade class joined two other classes to put on a spring musical. The students had been working for weeks for the night performance. The excitement could be felt. Wiggles and giggles were barely contained. Dressed in costumes, they represented children around the world, singing, “The children of the world are the future.”

In essence, our words and actions towards others today have a ripple effect into the future. The Apostle Paul, a builder of the Early Church, described conflict amongst the believers.

Some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry: There were groups of people that disagreed with Paul’s precepts of the gospel. Jealousy and rivalry focused on a difference of belief between Paul and the groups. Some Jewish people believed Gentiles needed to accept Judaism to become a believer in Christ. To the Judaizers, it made sense that the Gentiles, who often believed in many gods, needed to learn and accept Judaism’s law to align with the One true God as a Christian. Paul, a devout Jew, believed that Christ was to be the bridge to the heart of God. In the end, the groups wanted to make sure Paul would lose the disagreement and be known as the loser.

The manner Paul faced the conflict not only impacted the early church but the future for all believers. Our words and actions have a ripple effect upon person to person from century to century.

But others preach about Christ with pure motives: Those who surrender selfish motives, speaking and acting through pure motives will eventually overpower jealousy and strife. Our choices change today and tomorrow.

What are your motives today?
Your words and actions have a ripple effect for today and tomorrow.
You are the future.

Learning with you that words and actions impact today and the future,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


And because of my imprisonment,
many of the Christians here have gained confidence
and become more bold in telling others about Christ.
(Philippians 1:14, NLT)

Good Morning,

I listened to my friend’s son explain the reasoning of not cleaning his room. When asked why he did not clean his room the young boy used one word, “Because.” The word, because, is a conjunction in our language to help give a reason for our thoughts, words, actions, and circumstances. After further discussion, the young boy gave a detailed list of all the circumstances that had prevented him from cleaning his bedroom. He might have had fewer consequences for his actions if he had stopped with the word, because.

The Apostle Paul realized there were divine reasons for his imprisonment, explaining in Philippians 1:

And because of my imprisonment, many of the Christians here have gained confidence: People witnessed Paul’s faithfulness to God despite being imprisoned for his faith. They gained confidence of living in faith because of his faith.

Because the Spirit of Christ actively lives within those who invite Him into their life . . . you and I change . . . as does the world.

What do others gain because of your example?

And become more bold in telling others about Christ: Paul’s loyalty to Christ Jesus elicited a response in others. Those who are loyal are willing to live and prepared to die for the reason of their loyalty. The loyalty of Christ followers grew and their boldness to tell others about Christ grew though it could mean imprisonment and/or death.

Because of Christ in you . . . the history of individuals will change.

How does your life elicit boldness in others?

Live for Christ because . . .

Learning with you to live for Christ because,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Is This Necessary?

For everyone here,
including all the soldiers in the palace guard,
knows that I am in chains because of Christ.
(Philippians 1:13, NLT)

Good Morning,

At the beginning of a meeting, I asked the question, “Is this necessary?” Depending on the situation, the question may be perceived as rhetorical. In other words, the answer is “duh.” Webster’s dictionary clarifies the word, duh, as a word that is interjected to “indicate that something just stated is all too obvious or self-evident.” Apparently Webster’s dictionary has listed the word since 1966.

Is the word, duh, necessary in the English language?

There are many circumstances that are necessary; however, the necessity of the circumstance does not seem obvious. For example, the Apostle Paul imprisoned for his faith, wrote that the imprisonment was necessary:

For everyone here including all the soldiers in the palace guard:
Paul, guarded by soldiers, spoke and wrote of Christ Jesus as he served time in prison. Certainly, Paul would never been invited to speak to the Roman soldiers outside of the prison. Most likely they went home to tell family and friends about the Good News that changes lives. Additionally, prison provided Paul the time to write about living life in Christ.

Knows that I am in chains because of Christ:
It was known that Paul’s imprisonment occurred because he chose to live for Christ. His life became a profound message.

Was Paul’s imprisonment necessary?

Evaluate the “duh” factor in your day—thoughts, words, actions, and circumstances:
What is necessary?
What is unnecessary?

Learning with you to choose what is necessary,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Do The Happy Dance

And I want you to know, dear brothers and sisters,
that everything that has happened to me here
has helped to spread the Good News.
(Philippians 1:12, NLT)

Good Morning,

I love the “happy dance.” The happy dance is an outward celebration of life revealing a grateful heart to God, irregardless of circumstances.
When the unexpected occurs—do the happy dance!
When something long awaited comes your way—do the happy dance!
When you take a break from work—do the happy dance!
When you smell the first spring rain—do the happy dance!
When you hug a wet puppy—do the happy dance!
When you complete a task—do the happy dance!

Happy dancing is contagious. Happy dancing communicates celebration. I think the Apostle Paul did the happy dance when he spoke about the abiding presence of God. He wrote in Philippians 1 that God used everything in his life to help spread the Message:

And I want you to know: The Apostle Paul wanted the reader to grasp and comprehend the fact that in God’s economy nothing is wasted—do the happy dance!

Dear brothers and sisters that everything that has happened to me here
has helped to spread the Good News:
Paul determined that everything that occurred in his life, including imprisonment, was used of God to spread the Good News. God uses all things, good and difficult, for good—do the happy dance!

At least once a day find a reason to do the happy dance!
Believe God will bring all things together and—Do the happy dance!

Learning with you to do the happy dance!

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Sticky Fruit Filling

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—
those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ—
for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
(Philippians 1:11, NLT)

Good Morning,

I watched my friend feed her baby girl fruit for the first time. Everything seemed to be going quite well, until . . . well the baby girl burped. You would have thought that a volcano had erupted. In fact, the eruption was not only prolonged, but projectile. The strained baby fruit stuck on the high chair, on the floor, the baby, and us. I still am finding corners and crevices of sticky fruit.

Those who ask Christ to abide within them will find a different kind of fruit that will stick with a greater force. The Apostle Paul wrote about the fruit of salvation that fills our lives in Philippians 11:1:

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—
Light, water, and good soil are required for fruit production.
This requires:
Living in Light rather than in darkness. –God is Light (1 John 1:5).
Being saturated with the Water of Life.—Jesus is the Water of Life (John 4:4).
Choosing good soil to live in—The Word is soil to the core of our being. Growth and production occur in good soil. (Ezekial 17:8)

Those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ—Christ is Life. The abiding presence of the Savior fills our life with fruit (peace, joy, love, etc.). The fruit produced from the indwelling presence of God impacts anyone and everyone we meet. The thoughts of the fruit stick in their mind, influencing their heart and soul.

For this will bring much glory and praise to God: The focus of a healthy and whole life is God. In other words, our lifestyle is aligned with His way, will, and word. The fruit of our life blesses God as well as humanity.

Be filled with the fruit of the Spirit.
Let the fruit stick onto the lives of individuals you touch during the day.
Learning with you to let the fruit of the Spirit to multiply and stick onto other lives.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Shine In The Light Of Love

. . . to help you to determine what is best,
so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless . . .
(Philippians 1:10, NRS)

Good Morning,

Daylight savings time begins early this year. Newscasters are reminding us to spring forward one hour on Sunday. Time, throughout the ages, has been measured by the light of the sun. Historically, humanity has used the light of the sun to measure and evaluate a variety of things. In the ancient days, the light of the sun was used to determine the quality of pottery. A wise purchaser of the pottery held the vessel into the light of the sun to determine if there were any cracks, including glued cracks. Cracks decreased the value of fine pottery.

Likewise, the abiding Light of love reveals authenticity. The Apostle Paul described this process in Philippians 1:10:

To help you to determine what is best: Self-evaluation is not always easy. Even so, we must determine if our thoughts, words, and action are derived by authentic love. In other words, we must evaluate if God is present in our thinking, speaking, and behavior. The Light of love reveals the value within our thoughts, words, and actions.

Take time to evaluate your thoughts, words, and actions through the Light of love. Prioritize your response in life through the Light of love.

So that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless: Sincerity is the antithesis of hypocrisy, which is revealed by the abiding love of God. Love produces integrity with the desire to live in purity.
Shine in the Light of love.
1. Live in and through the Light of love.
2. Adjust your thoughts and words through the Light of love.
3. Take action through the Light of love.
4. Allow the abiding Light of love to purify you in order to be pure and blameless.

Learning with you to shine in the Light of Love.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


And this is my prayer,
that your love may overflow more and more
with knowledge and full insight
(Philippians 1:9, NRS)

Good Morning,

I talked with a friend that once experienced total rejection by family and friends because of some poor choices. Life changed when my friend discovered the love of God overpowers rejection. Accordingly, my friend now impacts rejected and lonely individuals through the powerful and overflowing love of God.

The Apostle Paul wrote about the overflowing love that transforms individuals for all of eternity in the book of Philippians:

And this is my prayer: Every circumstance is an opportunity to be actively dependent on God through prayer. Taking time to pray develops our clarity that reality is seen through prayer rather than by circumstance.

That your love may overflow more and more: The abiding presence of God becomes a wellspring of love within our mind, heart, and soul. Love grows through understanding the Source through studying the scriptures and praying. His love overflows until others are not only splashed but saturated with the love of God through our words and actions. God gives so much love that we have the opportunity to be overflowing with love all the time.

With knowledge and full insight: Knowledge with full insight occurs through a personal experience. In other words, we understand that the love of God will never be contained. His love moves into the hearts of the most resistant individuals to the point that love becomes irresistible for the first time in life.
Take time to specifically splash an individual with the overflowing love of God.

Learning with you to experience and share His overflowing love.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


For God is my witness,
how I long for all of you with the
compassion of Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 1:7, NRS)

Good Morning,

I encountered a homeless woman near a coffee shop. Crying, she repeatedly told a portion of her story of despair; however, she refused my help. Evidently others, equipped to help, have reached out to assist her. Even so, she is lost in pain.
Her pain has touched many hearts. The Apostle Paul wrote about connecting with others through the compassion of Christ in Philippians 1:7:

For God is my witness how I long for all of you: The Spirit, through grace, actively connects our heart with other individuals.

With the compassion of Christ Jesus: The abiding presence of Christ produces divine compassion within the human heart. In other words, the compassion of Christ is a divine active work that can’t be contained. There is a unity with Christ through reaching out to others with compassion.

Experience compassion.
Focus on the needs of others.
Refuse to be comfortable.
Reach out to someone and bless them with the compassion of Christ.

Learning with you to extend the abiding compassion of Christ to others.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Continually Confident

I am confident of this,
that the one who began a good work among you
will bring it
to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
(Philippians 1:6, NRS)

Good Morning,

We have parented for twenty-nine years. One of the amazing facets of parenthood is watching a child become an adult. Growth and change is a process that occurs from the moment we become parents. Parents experience the activity of maturation as the child grows and matures. It is not only necessary, but it is good to mature.

Individuals choose whether or not to experience continual growth and maturation throughout life. In Philippians 1:6, the Apostle Paul explained the continual confidence he had in the active good work of God to bring us to completion.

I am confident of this: This translates as, “I am continually confident” that God is doing a good work.

That the one who began a good work among you: Underline the word, “good.” The good work of God is a process. The key is for you and I to align the mind, heart, and soul with His presence and power.

Will bring it: Good work can be experienced through the activity of surrender. We choose to surrender obstacles which include disappointment, despair, depression, hurt, hostility, and hate. Sometimes it seems too difficult to release something that occupies the heart. God never leaves a heart empty or a life purposeless. The powerful transforming work of God brings all things together for good, including the difficulties and hard places of life.

To completion by the day of Jesus Christ: God is actively bringing the good work within our character, conduct, conversation, and competency to completion.

You can be continually confident:
God is actively working in you. He promises to bring His work to completion in you.

Learning with you to be continually confident that God is actively working within our personal life.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


Constantly praying with joy
in every one of my prayers for all of you.
(Philippians 1:4, NRS)

Good Morning,

Tricia, Tiffany, and Timothy were flying back home yesterday when the pilot announced they would have to turn back. The flight crew detected a problem with the plane and determined they had to turn around. They landed safely and entered into the problem of finding another flight home. While it was an interruption to their plans, we believe the plan of God overrides any and all circumstances. We prayed for their safety throughout the weekend, especially yesterday morning. Without doubt, God uses our prayers to work in and through this world.

The Apostle Paul expressed the joy that occurs through praying for others in Philippians 1:4--

Constantly praying with joy: Joy is a component of the heart within the individual who knows “all is well” because God is in control. Joy, received through trusting God, is a gift that is not controlled by emotions or circumstances. Nehemiah (8:10) defined joy as strength ("The joy of the Lord is your strength").

In every one of my prayers for all of you: God uses our individual prayers as a vehicle for His power to work specifically within the lives of others. In other words, prayer allows us to directly access the power of God. Joy is produced within the belief and knowledge that God uses prayer to work through individual lives throughout the world.

Experience joy.
Pray for others.
Give thanks for God working in and through your prayer.

Learning with you to pray with joy.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Gratefulness For Others

I thank my God
every time
I remember you.
(Philippians 1:3, NRS)

Good Morning,

Tricia and Tiffany flew out of town with Timothy. They will explore classes and the campus of the university they attended for their under graduate degree. The purpose of the trip is to help Timothy narrow down his education choices for the next season of his life. We are grateful for their help.

The Apostle Paul wrote about gratefulness for others in the book of Philippians:

I thank my God: Paul expressed intimacy with God using the word, “my,” as he gave thanks. Giving thanks to God for others acknowledges His divine working in and through individuals.

Every time: Continual gratefulness for others draws our perspective away from selfish needs to the good work of God. Prayers of thanksgiving move our hearts to see what God is doing.

I remember you: We impact others by giving thanks to God when we remember them. Remembering is the active work of keeping something or someone within our mind. In this case, the activity of remembering elicited the attitude of gratitude.

Gratefulness transforms our attitude.
Actively think of others in gratefulness.
Give thanks for the work of God in others.
Learning with you to give thanks for others,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)!


He is the sole expression of the glory of God
(the Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine),
and He is the perfect imprint and very image of (God’s) nature.
(Hebrews 1:3, AMP).

Good Morning,

We have a thick blanket of snow on our ground. I love to watch the sunrise on a snowy day. The light that moves across the sky reflects on the snow. It is a divine exhibit of the new day on earth.

The author of Hebrews reminded us that Jesus is the reflection of the glory of God in chapter 1:

He is the sole expression of the glory of God: Every day is an opportunity
to focus on the presence of God’s glory (magnificence, splendor, beauty, and wonder) in the grime of the world.

The Light-being, the out-raying or radiance of the divine: The Light of God radiates through the darkness of the world. His light pierces through the darkness. Seek His Light. Carry the Light within you.

And He is the perfect imprint and very image of (God’s) nature: Likewise, humanity is created to be the imprint of the image of the abiding presence of God. Every day is an opportunity to radiate and reflect His light. This requires intentional living.

Learning with you reflect the presence of the Light.


(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Active Peace

Therefore, beloved,
while you are waiting for these things,
strive to be found by him at peace,
without spot or blemish;
(2 Peter 3:14, NRS)

Good Morning,

This is Tricia’s half birthday. We began celebrating her half birthday when she was a child to have a birthday party during the school year. God perfectly planned her birthday and half birthday to make a difference in this world. There is amazing peace in knowing God has brought all things together in her life.

II Peter 3 highlights our need to live in peace:
Therefore, beloved: The conjunction, therefore, was often used to indicate a reason to link truth with an action. Peter addressed his letter to the “divinely loved” (beloved). There are specific truths for those who receive His love.

While you are waiting for these things: We are to be so occupied with the plan of God that we are willing to wait or align with His perfecting timing.

Strive to be found by him at peace: Peace is an active agent of God within our inner being. Peace indicates wholeness and wellness. Peace brings the pieces of our life together. Taking a daily walk with God draws His power into our life. As God walks through our mind, heart, and soul He brings all things together creating a peace that passes all understanding. His peace is sufficient to meet our needs. He provides a new power of peace every day.

Without spot or blemish: The purity of the presence of Christ Jesus in our life transforms who we are. He abides within our being in perfection, residing in holy perfect love, a component of His active peace.
Learning with you to live in His active peace,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Born To Be Free

The dead man came out,
his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth,
and his face wrapped in a cloth.
Jesus said to them, "Unbind him, and let him go."
(John 11:44)

Good Morning,

Prison buses parked along the road yesterday. Several inmates cleaned the roadside as guards watched over them. Most likely there was a sense of freedom being outside of the prison as well as a longing to be released and really free.

The gospel of John paints a word picture of living beyond constraints in John 11:44---

The dead man came out: Humanity is dead without the life of Jesus Christ, the Source of True Life. Individuals that surrender self are freed from death to receive His permeating presence of Life.

His hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth: Jesus Christ ultimately provides the energy and power to remove the restraining daily pressures and turmoil that every individual faces. Every day is an opportunity to recommit to living fully and freely.

Jesus said to them, "Unbind him, and let him go.": Jesus was present and actively working. He told the people to unbind the cloths that had been wrapped the dead man’s body and let him go. We are born to be free in Christ. God created us to be free from whatever constrains and restrains us every day.

God created every individual to be free of the things that bind and hinder humanity.
Evaluate what circumstances have bound you from living in full freedom.
Seek God and ask to be liberated from pressures.
Live fully and wholly—humanity was born to be free!

Learning with you to live in freedom,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Think On What It Means

Think over what I say,
for the Lord
will give you understanding
in all things.
(II Timothy 2:7)

Good Morning,

Hundreds and hundreds of people came to celebrate the life of one man, Tim’s principal, who died last week. His life was remarkable because of being occupied with serving God and making a difference in other’s lives. He lived to serve.

The Apostle Paul described a life of service to be lived as a soldier, athlete, and farmer. In the letter to Timothy, he said to think on what it means to live in this manner in 2 Timothy 2:7--

Think over what I say: The Apostle Paul asked Timothy to focus on the written words in order to perceive the life principles. Perceive is a Latin derivation of percipere which means to seize entirely (per meaning thoroughly and capere meaning grasp).

For the Lord will give you understanding in all things:
The Spirit of God moves through our mind to give understanding and full insight to what it means to serve. Word pictures are used to illustrate service in 2 Timothy 2:4-6:

4 No one serving in the army gets entangled in everyday affairs; the soldier's aim is to please the enlisting officer: Daily details of living easily entangle a soldier and can become an obstacle to being focused and wholehearted with the sole purpose to serve. A soldier focuses on obedience in order to serve the officer at full capacity.
5 And in the case of an athlete, no one is crowned without competing according to the rules: An athlete is disciplined, willingly sacrificing time and effort to put forth all they have to win.
6 It is the farmer who does the work who ought to have the first share of the crops: A farmer who labors intensively from sunrise to sunset will experience the impact of his/her labor. The farmer experiences great joy in the production of fruit from hard labor.

Study how the soldier, athlete, and farmer lifestyle is to be incorporated into your life.
Meditate on the concepts.
Perceive the message.
Grasp the concept.
Be transformed by the truth.

Learning with you to think on what it means to serve God and make a difference in other lives,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Treasure Found

For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.
(Matthew 6: 21).

Good Morning,

Life on earth changed when our friend, Timothy’s principal, died on Monday. It was unexpected, a complete surprise. He died doing what he loved, meeting with kids and teachers. It must be noted it was a school holiday. He left treasures which have been found:

and love
received from the presence of Christ
and dispensed through the active and abiding power of the Spirit.

Christ Jesus explained:
For where your treasure is: The Greek word, thesaurus, can be defined as a treasure or what is deposited. A treasure is kept in a specific place. In the ancient days, temples were built with treasure rooms to store gifts and monies. Treasures can be equated to our life investments, the core value of our life.

There your heart will be also: The Greek word, kardia, can be defined as the heart or the inner person, the central control center of intellect, will, feelings, and personality as well as the place that personal motivation, inspiration, conviction, and passion are formed. Thus, the treasures we accumulate are derived from our intellect, will, feelings, and personality.

Accumulated treasures identify who we are and how we live.

Take time to ask: What treasures are found in my life today?

Learning with you to accumulate treasures formed by the presence of Christ Jesus,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Good Work

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing,
that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ (right up to the time of His return),
developing (that good work)
and perfecting and bring it to full completion in you.
(Philippians 1:6, AMP).

Good Morning,

I am leaving to participate in a conference this week. The challenge of going out of town is leaving unfinished work behind. It is a matter of trust.

Paul explained the concept of trusting God to be purposefully work out every detail with faith that He is in control:

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ (right up to the time of His return), developing (that good work): Rather than allowing the circumstances to control our response to life, we must surrender to the leading of the Spirit of God. God is in control. He works out all the details.

And perfecting and bring it to full completion in you: Without God, life does not hold any meaning nor hold any power. He is the Perfection of life. With God nothing is impossible. “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment” (Luke1:37, AMP).

Trust God.
God is in control.
God is bringing your purpose to full completion in you.

Learning with you to experience the good work of God,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Joy Break

Come let us sing for joy to the Lord:
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
(Psalm 95:1)

Good Morning,

We are a family of hummers. In fact, we often hum while we think, get ready for the day, and even during our work. We are not alone. There are many hummers in this world. Humming can be an expression of joy out loud.

The psalmist invited the people to express their joy through singing in the Psalms:
Come let us sing for joy to the Lord: The Psalmist issued the invitation. . .
For the people to come --advance, draw near, and approach God . . .
To let--allow, permit, and grant joy to be released . . .
For joy--delight, gladness, and rapture in the awareness and knowledge of God.
Choose to draw near to God and release your joy. Life changes when joy is expressed.

Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation:
Let--allow, permit, and grant-- the joy within to be lived out loud.
Express joy for the stable, never changing Rock in your life that saves us from the darkness of this world.

Take a joy break! Hum. Sing. Shout.

Learning with you to take a joy break,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


Not I, but Christ
(Galatians 2:20, KJV).

Good Morning,

Our online news service reported the leading newscasters’ ratings. The highest rating indicated the individual perceived to be most appreciated. Humanity often equates popularity, performance, privilege, possessions and power with value.

Christ Jesus changes our perspective. The value of life is produced from His presence. The Apostle Paul used a simple phrase found in Galatians to explain the radical concept:

Not I: Paul wrote to the individuals who perceived worth could be produced from their “doing.” They were enslaved to the law of religion, attempting to define their value from their doing. While much of our lifestyle has changed from those ancient days, most people continue to perceive the worth of their life from what they do and what they accomplish.

The “I” in the passage can be interpreted as the “self without Christ.” Without centering life within Christ, we base worth on what we do in our power for our own benefit.

But Christ: A powerful and incomprehensible union occurs when we give ourselves completely to Christ. Our old self is crucified with Christ and we become new.

We identify our life in Christ, living in His presence and power.

No one can ever do enough to achieve the value that comes from being in Christ.

Be in Christ (Not I, but Christ).

Learning with you to be in Him,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)


Even as (in His love),
He chose us
(actually picked us out for Himself as His own)
in Christ before the foundation of the world
(Ephesians 1:4, AMP).

Good Morning,

I have a friend that is a florist. This is her busiest day of the year. She told me that at least 80% of their customers fail to remember to order flowers before Valentine’s Day; however, they remember on Valentine’s Day. The idea of sending flowers is to remind others of our love. So, my friend says we need to remember to remind others we love them before it is too late.

The Apostle Paul wrote of the precise timing of God designing our life through divine love in Ephesians 1:4--

Even as (in His love): God ordained each life to be born in divine love. Regardless of our circumstances on earth, we can have confidence that God is the Creator of life. He creates in and through His love, which defines every individual’s worth and purpose.

He chose us (actually picked us out for Himself as His own): God has an unlimited perspective of the past, present, or future.
Before the beginning of time He deemed it necessary and mandatory for each person to be born. God determined when the world needed each individual in a specific era and time to be born.

In Christ: Our perception of life changes when we realize that humanity is chosen to live and breathe in Christ Jesus. No one is destined to be without Him; however, God gives humanity the free choice to live (abide, dwell) in Him.

Before the foundation of the world: You and I were planned out of love to live and breathe in a specific era and time before God created the world. God remembers His love for absolutely every human being all the time—not just for a lifespan on earth—but for all of eternity. His love is fresh and new every day.

Remember--God loves you.
Remember—God has created you in love.
Remember—God has created you to live in the worth and purpose of His love.
Remember-- God leaves His signature of love everywhere—study the sunrise and sunset to see the signature of His love.
Remember---God’s love will never fail or forsake you.
Remember---You are loved.

Learning with you to always remember the love of God,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

What Are You Consumed With?

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness"
(Lamentations 3:22-23).

Good Morning,

I had to go to school but did not have transportation yesterday. My father knew I needed transportation. My father offered the use of his car, providing for my needs before I asked. In turn, I was not consumed by my need.

The Old Testament prophet, Jeremiah, reminded the people when they were in exile that God would care for them:
Because of the Lord's great love: God loves us with an everlasting love. His great love defines the sacredness of every breath we take and every day we live.
Seek to be consumed by the great love of God.

We are not consumed: Urgent needs and challenging circumstances occur frequently; however, we do not need to be overwhelmed or consumed by a circumstance. The love of God overpowers what we face, redirecting our perspective.
Refuse to be consumed by urgent and challenging circumstances.

For his compassions never fail: No one can emulate the mercy of Christ. His daily divine miracle of mercy provides a covering for our body, mind, and soul, which never fails!
Refuse to be consumed with anything but the fail-proof mercy of God.

They are new every morning: God's compassion (mercy) is fresh every day. Every day is a new day to experience His wondrous work of mercy.
Wake up and remind yourself that the mercy of God is new every morning.

Great is your faithfulness: God is faithful to provide a fresh, new covering of mercy every day. His faithfulness is great (utterly absolute and complete).
Consume your thoughts with the utter, absolute, complete, and great faithfulness of God.

Learning with you to be consumed by the new mercy of God,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

What Do You Know?

"If any of you is deficient in wisdom,
let him ask of the giving God (Who gives)
to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly,
without reproaching or faultfinding,
and it will be given him"
(James 1:5, AMP)

Good Morning,

We never really understood how quickly our children would grow into adults. It seems they grew up in a day and left. At times, I would love to turn the clock back and re-do their childhood. Of course, I would do many things differently according to all the lessons we learned.

Ultimately understanding life occurs through the Spirit of God. The book of James discusses our need to understand life through the wisdom of God:

If any of you is deficient in wisdom: There is no greater way to acquire education in life principles than through the guidance and counseling of the Holy Spirit. Admitting the need for wisdom opens our minds to the teaching power of the Spirit.
Admit your need for wisdom through the guidance and counseling of the Spirit of God.

Let him ask of the giving God (Who gives)
to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly:

Ask God for clarity. He will give understanding beyond human comprehension! The Spirit of God reveals wisdom from the mind of God without restraint.
Ask for wisdom beyond human comprehension.

Without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him: Wisdom is given through the Light. The Spirit of God enables us to grasp and respond to divine wisdom irregardless of our limitations.
Discern through the Light of wisdom.

Learning with you to understand life through divine wisdom,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)

Pause And Calmly Think

"With my voice I cry to the Lord,
and He hears
and answers me
out of His holy hill.
Selah (pause, and calmly think of that)!
(Pslam 3:4, AMP).

Good Morning,

There are times that I am too rushed. Through the course of my life I have learned that being rushed reduces my awareness of God. To consciously slow down, I pray. Taking time to pray creates the need to pause and calmly think on the presence and power of God.

Literally stop everything.
Calmly (quietly, peacefully, confidently, humbly) think about the prayer of the Psalmist (3:4):

With my voice I cry to the Lord:
Pause and calmly think—Prayer is a divine exchange.
Call out to Him. He will answer.
“Call to Me and I will answer you.” (Jeremiah 33:3).

And He hears:
Pause and calmly think —God listens. He never fails. He always listens.

And answers me:
Pause and calmly think --God will answer. His answers produce peace that passes understanding, unspeakable joy, and abounding love.

Out of His holy hill:
Pause and calmly think –His Name is above all names. He is Great. He is Mighty. He is All in all. We come to God through Christ Jesus and exchange our need for His answer. There is an exchange as the mind, heart, and soul opens up to the presence and power of God. Thoughts, feelings, and behavior are transformed through divine power, wisdom, and energy as the Spirit of God moves through the mind, heart, and soul.

Selah (pause, and calmly think of that)!
Pause and calmly think--Pause.
Literally stop doing whatever you are doing.
Surrender all you are thinking and doing.
Calmly (quietly, peacefully, confidently, humbly) think and meditate on the presence of God.
Discover the joy of slowing down through prayer.
Enjoy a renewed awareness of God.
Give thanks.
Praise God.
Learning with you to pause and calmly think through prayer,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)