Question to think about: What do your actions reveal about your belief?
"I am on a diet . . . but . . . "
"I should go exercise . . but. . . "
"I don't have money for this in my budget . . . but . . . "
"I shouldn't do this . . . but . . . "
Why do we do what we do?
Jesus spoke to a crowd that didn't understand what He was doing:
Jesus said, "I didn't make this up. What I teach comes from the One who sent me. Anyone who wants to do his will can test this teaching and know whether it's from God or whether I'm making it up. A person making things up tries to make himself look good. But someone trying to honor the one who sent him sticks to the facts and doesn't tamper with reality. It was Moses, wasn't it, who gave you God's Law? But none of you are living it. So why are you trying to kill me?" (John 7:16-19, The Message)
Jesus lived with focused purpose.
and pressure from others
did not change what He did.
Jesus purposefully did what He did in order that humanity
could freely enter into an
relationship with God.
Determine what God would have you purposefully do today.
Do it.
Learning with you to purposefully do what I am called to do,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)