Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where Can He Be?

Question to think about: Are you present in the presence of God?

More people are stressed.
Stress produces
And . . . faith decreases . . . as stress narrows the perception of life.
Stress blocks the view of the presence of God.

It is not a new problem. Jesus revealed the presence of God; however, people could not see:
Having said these things to them, He stayed behind in Galilee.
But afterward, when His brothers had gone up to the Feast, He went up also, not publicly [not with a caravan], but by Himself quietly and as if He did not wish to be observed.
Therefore the Jews kept looking for Him at the Feast and asking, Where can He be? [Where is that Fellow?] (John 7:9-11, Amplified)

The people missed the presence of Christ, God with us.
They asked the question, "Where can He be?"
The presence of God is often missed when life is not going the way we think it should go . . .
we wonder where God is . . .
especially in tough times.

The thing is . . .
we are told that God is always present:
The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8, NASB)

So, what is the problem?
We are not always present in the presence of God . . . we disengage.

Engage with the presence of God.
Be present in the presence of God.
Step back from challenges.
Be aware of the presence of God throughout the day.

Learning with you to be present in the presence of God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)