Question to think about: How does faith define your life?
There are moments in time that change our life.
Discouragement settles in.
Dreams die.
Hope is lost.
There comes a moment that
the decision of faith must be made
to respond
with belief
that God is present
and at work,
regardless of circumstances.
History changed when Christ, God with us, came.
And, yet,
many disciples left,
leaders plotted against Him,
and his own brothers did not believe.
John spent a significant amount of time writing about the disbelief of the people surrounding Jesus:
"For not even His brothers were believing in Him." (John 7:5, NASB)
The two words, "not even," encompass a powerful message.
It must have been especially difficult that
the brothers of Jesus,
who were up close and personal,
did not believe in Him.
Their disbelief was recorded and known for all of history.
not even
the brothers' disbelief
could cause Jesus
from doing what He came to do.
Refuse to allow anything and anyone
to stop you from
participating with the work of God; not even ___________.
Seek the strength of Christ to empower you to move forward.
Learning with you that not even the greatest challenges can stop the work of God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)