Monday, March 2, 2009

They Left

Question to think about: Are you committed?

Two frogs sit outside of our house and croak.
Two little frogs.
Two loud frogs.
Their noise-making is distracting.
They need to leave.

The thing is . . . distractions can take our focus off what is important.
Distractions can be stumbling blocks.
Jesus could have been distracted when many of the disciples left.
The talk . . .
the complaining . . .
disciples leaving . . .
incredibly distracting.
Questions arise. Why would many disciples leave? What was wrong? Did Jesus need to do something else when his popularity decreased?
Meditate on it:
After this, many of His disciples drew back (returned to their old associations) and no longer accompanied Him. Jesus said to the Twelve, Will you also go away? [And do you too desire to leave Me?] (John 6: 66-7, Amplified)
What happened?
John 6: 1-2 describes people following Jesus because of the miracles He performed.
John 6:10-13 describes how Jesus took 2 loaves of bread and five little fish and fed thousands.
Were the people more fascinated with miracles than having a relationship with Christ, God with us?
Thousands of people were hungry. Did their souls hunger for God?
They needed to be fed.
Everyone understood there was a problem;
there was not enough money or food to feed them.
Jesus had a plan.
Jesus invited the disciples to participate.
Jesus used what they had.
Jesus asked the people to sit down . . . to be in a position to receive.
He gave thanks . . .
there was more than enough food . . . twelve baskets of leftovers.
But after all was said and done . . . the people wanted miracles without commitment.
John records many disciples left.
It had to feel discouraging . . . the miracles had energized everyone,
leaving people wanting Jesus to do more.
Jesus did not perform another miracle but talked about commitment.
Many disciples did not want to commit.
They left, rejecting Jesus.
Jesus was not distracted.
Choice was and is a part of the plan.

Jesus gave the Twelve a choice.
It is a daily choice to be in an ongoing-active-participating-committed relationship with Christ, God with us.
Refuse to be distracted.
Focus on the presence of Christ.
Commit your day to Christ.

Learning with you to be committed to Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)