So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.
(Philippians 2:10, NLT)
Good Morning!
Last night, the light of the moon broke through the darkened cloudy skies, lighting the old country road leading to our home. The isolated gravel road is almost hidden in the darkness of night; however, the reflected light of the moon pierced through the darkness. I can only describe traveling on the way home last night to be breathtaking . . . amazing . . . . . . stunning.
The Apostle Paul described the power of Christ Jesus on the cross as stunning in Philippians 2.
So that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth:
Every power in heaven, on earth, and under earth will bow to Jesus. In other words, the Apostle Paul has made clear that Jesus has authority over all.
His transforming presence is stunning:
The Light that pierces the darkness . . .
The Peace that stills the storms. . .
The Savior of humanity’s sins . . .
The Healer of the heart . . .
The Hope of the world.
Meditate on the stunning presence of Christ Jesus.
Surrender (kneel) to the stunning power of Christ Jesus.
Celebrate the stunning ongoing life-changing activity of Christ Jesus.
Learning with you to focus on the stunning truth of Christ Jesus,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)