But even if my life is to be poured out like a drink offering to complete the sacrifice of your faithful service (that is, if I am to die for you) . . .
(Philippians 2:17, NLT)
Good Morning!
Have you ever had one of those days? You know . . . one of THOSE days. I attended a class yesterday in a building that did not have a parking lot or reserved parking.
After finding a parking place, I was told that it was reserved and I needed to move my car.
After driving around the building, I found a metered parking place.
After parking my car, I discovered I did not have coins for the meter.
After exchanging dollar bills for coins, I filled the meter up.
After securing my car, I was late for class.
After sharing the story about my parking woes, the instructor told me to move my car to the original parking place, which was the designated place to park. (Evidently, there would not be enough time allotted to refill the meter, which would result in acquiring a parking ticket).
After moving my car to the original parking place, I was told that I could not park there . . . need I say more?
It was one of THOSE days.
The Apostle Paul discussed the value of living beyond circumstances, including one of THOSE days, as a sacrifice: But even if my life is to be poured out like a drink offering to complete the sacrifice of your faithful service (that is, if I am to die for you) . . .
Sacrificial living was likened to being poured out as a drink offering. In the ancient days, the Greeks poured their offerings of water and wine onto their household altars (the ground or hearth). The imagery illustrates an individual’s life completely poured out as a sacrifice. Regardless of circumstances, living with purpose is possible through sacrifice for the sake of Christ Jesus.
Individuals are transformed through sacrificing their life. In turn circumstances are perceived differently. The individual focuses on what can be done for the sake of Christ Jesus rather than what can be done simply for their own sake.
One of THOSE days may be coming your way!
One of THOSE days can be an opportunity to be poured out for Him.
One of THOSE days can be filled with joy for those who purposefully live as a drink offering.
Live purposefully as a sacrifice for Christ Jesus. . .
Learning with you to live sacrificially on one of THOSE days and every day,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)