I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.
(Philippians 2:20, NIV)
I have road issues. There . . . I have said it . . . after all, admitting my problem is the first step to resolution.
My current road issue: Five minutes from my house, I encountered a member of the construction crew working on our road. He informed me that I would have to wait approximately forty minutes; however, he extended the time after I informed him that our home was located on the left side of the road. I followed the crew member’s advice and turned around. When I arrived at the next available road, the construction crew detained me for fifteen minutes. After waiting with waning patience, I proceeded almost to the end of the road. I was told to turn around since the rest of the road had been removed. No one seemed to care about my need to get home.
There is a world of people that need to know they matter. Does anyone care?
Authentic compassion and care has been a rare gift throughout the ages. People tend to be focused on their own specific life details. The Apostle Paul described Timothy, a faithful ambassador of the Message, uniquely interested in the welfare of the Philippians:
I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.
Paul demonstrated genuine care for the church as a whole as well as for the well-being of all individuals. People mattered. Timothy accepted the call to be an ambassador for Christ Jesus, demonstrating care for people through actions as well as words. Caring for people transcends any barriers that society erects, including power, position, and possession.
Ask the Spirit of God to empower and activate your care and compassion.
Demonstrate genuine compassion and care today.
Reach out to a specific individual with a specific act of kindness.
Learning with you to genuinely care for others,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)