So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
(Philippians 2:18 , NIV)
Did you see it?
I missed it!
It is rather unusual.
Four planets were nearly in a straight line—visible in the night skies: Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter.
God planned creation with intricate precision and perfect timing. Self-involvement blocks our view of the perfection of the plan of God.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the Philippians to see the perfection of the plan of God and to share the joy of living in His perfect plan:
So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
The Apostle Paul invited the Philippians to join him on the journey of joy. He had discovered true authentic living for Christ aligns with the perfect plan of God, the furthest point from the mundane and drudgery of life. Even so, there are individuals who fail to perceive aligning with the perfect plan of God produces an indescribable joy.
To see the reality of the perfection of the plan of God we must look beyond ourselves day and night.
Do you see it?
Do you see the plan of God is perfect?
Do you see the joy of aligning with the perfect plan of God?
Do you see how the perfect plan of God for your life aligns with His perfect plan for the world every day and night?
Don't miss it!
Be glad and rejoice today and tonight!
Learning with you to see the perfection of the plan of God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)