Monday, May 18, 2009

Wake Up!

Question to think about: Are you sleeping?

Life seemed different.
In fact, everything seemed different
when they realized time was short.
For some reason, they never thought it would happen to them . . . to hear the word . . . a dreaded-no-good-terrible-word . . . cancer.
But, for them . . . when the word became part of their vocabulary . . . in the pain and suffering . . .they received a gift.
They woke up.
They understood that each day needed to be experienced . . . to be shared . . . and celebrated.

Celebration does not come from circumstances but from the presence of Christ:
I know how to be abased and live humbly in straitened circumstances, and I know also how to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned in any and all circumstances the secret of facing every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry, having a sufficiency and enough to spare or going without and being in want. (Philippians 3:12, AMP)

Wake up.
Discover that living is not defined by circumstances but in and through Christ.
Become aware of the presence of Christ.

Learning with you to wake up,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)