Question to think about: Which way will you go today?
Road trips are always fun,
especially when there is time to take time.
That said, there are differing views of how to make a road trip successful.
Some individuals
seek advice,
google for tips,
purchase supplies,
outline the route on a map,
create a travel journal,
and organize music to play along the way.
Others get up and go
without planning or
seeking advice
or thinking through all the details.
The thing is . . . there is an art to taking a road trip . . . like the journey of life . . . the way we do it . . . is a key component of who we are.
Christ, the Way, came to reveal the heart and soul of the journey.
Jesus answered, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me. (John 14:6, NCV)
The choice to go through the Way is not only a lifetime choice but a daily choice. We must ask: Will the journey be made in an active-participating-ongoing relationship with God?
The way the journey is made changes when we choose to go God's way.
We are given a profound message from God:
I will go before you
And make the crooked places straight . . . (Isaiah 45:2, NKJV)
When we invite God . . .
on the road trip . . .
the journey of life . . .
God not only promises to go before us . . .
but to make the crooked places straight.
Seek the Way on your daily road trip of life.
Invite God to guide You.
Trust God to go before You.
Ask God for directions for every detail.
Believe God will make the crooked places straight.
Enjoy the journey.
Learning with you to enjoy the journey,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2009 All Rights Reserved)