Question to think about: Do you allow outrageously difficult circumstances stop you?
My friend faces a daily battle with a disabling disease. The ongoing--seemingly--never-ending--pain requires a tremendous amount of energy on a daily basis. The thing is, he works from sun up to sun down with enthusiastic passion. He does not stop. Sometimes I am baffled how people, like my friend, can not only manage daily details but far surpass the average individual's life accomplishments regardless of outrageously difficult life challenges.
One thing that my friend has taught me: Show up where God tells you to be, even if it seems that your circumstances are prohibitive: It isn't about what we feel we can or cannot do, but what God will do through you and I. If we are honest, we all have times that we are focused on the "I can't" of living rather than "I can do all things through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13, NRS).
The "can do" is the power and presence of the Spirit that empowers and works through us regardless of our circumstances. Do we understand this power?
John the Baptist explained Christ, God with us, gives the Spirit to humanity: He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure. (John 3:34, NRS)
Read those two verses again. Think about it--God gives the Spirit without measure--no limitations! And . . . we can do all things through the strength of the Spirit! What does this mean?
The work of the Spirit is never limited to circumstance, time, or space; however, humanity's perspective is often limited to a circumstance within a specific time frame and place. In other words, the Spirit is never confined to the perimeters of what we might think, ask, or imagine. God will always do more than what we could ever do on our own (Read Ephesians 3. Just trying to make it through the day will never compare with doing all things through the strength of God.
Break out of your circumstances.
Show up where God directs you to go.
Determine if you are living in the "can do" of the Spirit.
Activate the belief that you "can do" whatever you are destined to do through the immeasurable power of the Spirit.
Learning with you to do live out my purpose regardless of challenging circumstances,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)