Question to think about: How are you making a difference?
Several of my friends have been impacted by a tragic accident that occurred yesterday . . . a friend, a man that made a difference in countless lives, died. Though I did not know him personally, I have been the recipient of the difference he made in the lives of many of my friends. No one would have ever thought that yesterday was his last day on earth or that he would step into a new dimension of life. The thing is . . . his life has been defined by making a lasting difference.
Jesus explained that we can make a difference:
For here the saying holds true, 'One sows and another reaps.' (John 4:37, NRS)
There is reason and rhythm to life . . . humanity is created to impact one another . . . one is to sow while another will reap what the sower has put into the life of an individual. Sowing the seeds of love, faith, and hope into an individual's life creates change. As the seeds take root in the heart, transformation occurs. Another individual comes along . . . and reaps the difference that has been made.
It is unavoidable . . . when we intentionally and actively make a difference in one life . . . others will experience the difference. A ripple effect occurs when time is invested into making a difference in one person. One man made a difference . . . and I am one of the individuals that reaped what he sowed.
Make a difference.
Impact the world.
Sow seeds.
Remember someone will reap the difference that was made.
Learning with you to take time to sow seeds,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)