Question to think about: Are you prepared to face and manage necessary-annoying-bothersome-not-fun-at-all-challenging circumstances?
A friend of mine is going through surgery this morning. No one signs up to start their day with surgery; however, it is necessary for him. The main thing my friend must do is determine how he will manage this necessary-annoying-bothersome-not-fun-at-all-challenging circumstance. Our attitude and ability to manage life is far more important than the actual circumstance; however, knowing this truth and putting it into practice are two different things, especially when it comes to necessary-annoying-bothersome-not-fun-at-all-challenging circumstances.
How is it possible to not be controlled from the pressures and problems of circumstances?
Christ delineated the way to manage life:
John 14:1~"Don't be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me."
To not be troubled is a common theme throughout the Bible: Do not be anxious. Do not be discouraged. Do not be troubled.
This principle can be followed until things become difficult. And . . . then . . . well it is challenging not to be anxious, discouraged, or troubled. The thing is, these three responses are rooted in fear. The overriding message to manage life is: DO NOT FEAR. If, we respond to a circumstance in fear, then, our faith remains in the background; however, if we activate our faith and choose to trust Christ . . . fear will not motivate our response to the challenges. Faith and fear do not mix . . . the Spirit will enable us to have faith, even when fear seems reasonable given the type of circumstance we are facing.
We miss out in life when we are restrained by fear. Faith opens the doors of possibilities, even in the most impossible situation. Jesus encountered a woman who lived a life without worth, most likely living her life out in fear. But, when she faced Christ, God with us, she realized there was another way to experience life.
The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water." (John 4:19, NLT)
Remember the important factor in managing necessary-annoying-bothersome-not-fun-at-all-challenging circumstances: do not fear.
Relax. Lean into God through faith.
Discard the fear.
Receive the peace of God.
Learning with you something important to know,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)