Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sometimes you gotta party!

Question to think about: Have you had a party lately?

There are times that life is messy, inconvenient, and irritating. Through experience, I have learned to shake it off and take time to party. In the midst of the whole mess, taking time to be grateful and to celebrate life clarifies what matters. Celebration changes how we see life. How we manage life begins with our perspective.

When you get down to it . . . perspective is our reality.

The woman at the well entered a conversation with Christ and her perspective completely changed. Her circumstances remained; however, she viewed them differently. It must have been more than a little noticeable. No one had cared, valued, or noticed this woman until her encounter with Christ:
"Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah,can he?" They left the city and were on their way to him. (John 4: 29-30, NRSV)

The woman convinced the people to leave what they were doing to find what matters in life!
Imagine . . . the party . . . the excitement . . . the discussion . . . "maybe there really is something different . . . something better . . . something that really matters."

The people stopped what they were doing . . . left the stuff behind . . . to meet with Christ.

Stop. Despite challenges, life is worth celebrating. Turn your perspective away from the messy, inconvenient, irritating things.
Take time to meet with Christ.
Tell Christ thank you: Make a list of all the things that are really important and offer your thanks.
Change your perspective . . . turn on music . . . hum . . . sing . . . dance . . . celebrate Christ . . . party!
Invite others to break out from the stuff and party!

Learning with you to take time to party,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)