Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Can I Say?

Some time later,
the woman's son became sick.
He grew worse and worse,
and finally he died.
(I Kings 17, NLT).

I gave many people cause for laughter yesterday. It seems that when I used my spell checker the word, feminine, came up rather than famine. The result? The people were dealing with a feminine drought. Wow! Harsh times I tell you. What can I say? Ummmm . . . a feminine drought just doesn't occur too often. That said, don't always believe the spell checker has the right answer.

So . . . during a famine . . . that would be F . A . M . I . N . E . . . and drought, the widow came to believe the prophet's word from God. And . . . there were always enough resources. Just when things looked like they were working out . . . tragedy struck . . . her son died. What can you say to someone when something so horrible occurs?

The answer . . . is difficult . . . but simple . . . have faith in God even when you don't understand why tragedy occurs.

Choose to have faith when you can't answer the why's of life.
Rest in the presence of God.
Receive His peace.

Learning with to you to see through faith that God is always enough,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)