"As surely as the LORD,
the God of Israel, lives—
the God whom I worship and serve—
there will be no dew or rain during the next few years
unless I give the word!"
(I Kings 17:1, NLT)
There have been some interesting reviews of the year, 2007, and predictions of 2008 in the media. The exercise of evaluating life provides a way to learn what works and . . .well . . . what doesn't work in the process of living. Evaluation also provides a backwards view of what occurs when the unexpected occurs . . . and let's just say it . . . we have little . . . if any . . . control over what happens in life . . . YIKES . . . as the saying goes . . . life happens.
That said, God has given humanity the ability to have belief, regardless of what happens. Evaluation of occurrences changes when we look closer and see the presence of God. Ultimately, our belief of the presence of God strengthens our faith and trust in Him.
In the ancient days, the first recording of the man, Elijah, began with the statement of belief: "There will be no dew or rain during the next few years unless I give the word!" (I Kings 17:1, NLT)
Are you kidding me? Who says something like that?
Elijah clarified that his beliefs were based in the living presence of God: “the God of Israel, lives.”
Elijah aligned himself through belief of God through worship and service: “the God whom I worship and serve.”
Elijah believed in the power of God: “there will be no dew or rain during the next few years.”
Elijah entered into the work of God, believing God is able to do more than can be imagined (see Ephesians 3:20-21): “there will be no dew or rain during the next few years unless I give the word.”
Belief changes our perspective and behavior.
Exercise your belief.
Create a statement of belief for 2008 with the perspective of hope through Christ.
My belief is . . .
Celebrate the ability to believe.
Learning with you to exercise belief,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)