Wednesday, January 16, 2008


For no matter how much they used,
there was always enough left in the containers,
just as the LORD had promised through Elijah.
I Kings 17:16, NLT

We have had some of the coldest temperatures of the winter in the last couple of days. Yesterday, the cold temperatures mixed with moisture causing icy conditions. Ice covered all of the roads, which required extra attention. The ice could not always be seen; however, the ice covered everything. Isn't it true, when we fail to pay attention we miss what is right before our eyes?

Certainly, humanity often fails to see the presence of God covering the world. The story told in I Kings 17 allows us to view a portion of the spiritual journey of a prophet and a widow during a desperate a time of famine and drought. Elijah had seen the miraculous provision of God when he provided an oasis of running water and food. We do not know what the widow had experienced in her past; however we know she had experienced loss . . . the writer of the story entitled her a widow. Loss often produces a mindset of fear rather than faith. She paid attention . . . heard God speaking through Elijah . . . refused fear . . . chose to see the presence of God through faith.

Think about it . . . seeing life through faith required great discipline. Resources were gone. Problems centered upon the most basic needs: food and water. Times were desperate. And, then we read the phrase, "there was always enough." God completely covered all of the needs . . . not almost enough . . . or barely enough . . . but always enough.

Here is the question for you and I today--is God always enough?
Do we live in a manner that no matter what--God is enough?

time to examine the principles of faith in I Kings 17.
Ask yourself the life-question: Is God enough?

Learning with to you to see through faith that God is always enough,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)