Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One Of Those Days . . .

. . . in Christ in Colossae: (Colossians 1:2b, NLT).

Good Morning!

We all have days . . . but there are days . . . I had one of those days. . .the kind of day that I hope won’t be repeated . . . ever. The fateful day included the following:
I forgot to turn on the alarm. (I have developed and maintained a habit for decades--lay down and turn the alarm on—how hard is that?)
I woke up late and had to hurry—I ended up being late and in a hurry for everything.
I spilled coffee on my only clean jeans.
I misplaced my notes for a presentation.
I found my notes after the presentation—I left the notes on the car seat.
I broke my favorite pair of shoes when the sole got caught in a parking lot grate. (Who breaks their shoes?)
I forgot my friend’s birthday—a friend that remembers every event in my life with a card and a gift.
I forgot to turn my phone’s ringer on and missed a call I had waited for all day—ALL DAY!
I missed my turn and drove an extra twenty minutes.
The list goes on . . . nothing worsened but nothing really got better. It was a day . . . one of those days.

When I have one of those days, I must evaluate if my life is dependent on experiencing the right circumstance or being in Christ. While the above incidents are little more than nuisances, we must learn to trust and live in Christ rather than to be immersed in the details of living in this world.

The Apostle Paul addressed the brothers and sisters “in Christ in Colossae.” Their lives were positioned in Christ; however, they continued to deal with the daily details of living in Colossae. The dynamic tension of living in Christ and in the world remains for all Christ-followers. Confidence develops through understanding that we are created to place emphasis on living in Christ rather than in the circumstances of this world.

Things constantly change in this world; however, Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Is this one of those days?
Abide in Christ.
Put your trust in Christ.
Place the value of living in Christ.
Refuse to define your life through the way things go in this world.
May you experience the Shalom of Christ.

Learning with you to be in Christ regardless of one of those days,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)