Friday, September 7, 2007

Blocked Permanently

For even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me help for my needs more than once. (Philippians 4:16, NRS).

Good Morning!

I began to receive messages a few days ago: “blocked permanently.” At this time, it appears my server will not allow me to send all the daily devotions. While, I am certain that we can work it out—the term, “blocked permanently” delineates isolation.

I wonder:
Does blocked permanently mean that there is now an impenetrable shield that prevents me from communicating to . . . well, humanity?
Am I blocked from the world?
I might be hmm . . . over-dramatizing . . . but then again . . . my internet provider blocked me permanently from communicating!

In the ancient days, the process of long distance communication was incomparably slower. Moreover, only a few people could read and write. The Apostle Paul began a revolution in the ancient world that required countless hours and boundless energy to communicate a revolutionary message. Turns out, he fully invested his energy to communicating the message. Even so, individuals permanently blocked him from their lives because of the message; however, the faithful group from Philippi communicated their support, providing for his needs.

God makes a way to communicate his message to the world through common ordinary people. We are messengers. People need to know that no matter how difficult and dark life may seem—God always provides a way. Christ-followers have the task to communicate the revolutionary message through words, attitude and actions.

No one needs to think that they are blocked permanently from God.
Communicate the revolutionary message-- of Christ in your life.
Communicate through your words, attitude, and actions.
Celebrate Christ—the permanent connection!

Learning with you that there is always a way even through “permanent blocking,”
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)