Monday, September 17, 2007

First Rain

To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(Philippians 4:20, NRS).

Good Morning!

It rained. The rain seemed new and rare after a fairly dry summer. The earth smelled fresh and seemed renewed as the rain replenished the dry earth. In reality, rain is a big part of life for much of Oregon.

The first rain after a dry season is much like the moment we become aware of the presence of God after a season of busyness and/or self-absorption. Accordingly, we have the opportunity to begin each day with a new awareness of the presence of God. Without the awareness of God we are not living in true Reality. In the Old Testament, the weight or substance of Life is referred to as the glory of God. The Hebrew word for glory, “kavod”, is derived from “kaved” (heavy). The kavod is Reality.

The central meaning of life . . . the substance of life. . . kavod . . .the glory of God . . . Reality . . . is what matters when all is said and done. Understanding the basic component of life, the kavod, produces peace in our body, mind, and heart. As I have commented before, shalom (the peace of God), can not be defined apart from God. Shalom, knowing the presence and goodness of God, is a new experience every day, likened to the first rain.

Thus, as the Apostle Paul finishes writing to the Philippians, he made the comment, “to God be the glory (kavod)” . . . meaning that whatever we do. . . the weight and substance of our living is to be given to God. What would happen to us if we consciously and actively gave everything we thought, said, and did to the kavod of God? It would be like a first rain for the world around us . . . and there would be peace (shalom) . . . true Reality.

Meditate on what really matters in your life.
Determine if the substance of your life goes to the kavod (glory) of God.
Receive peace (shalom) and let it cover you as a fresh and new rain.
Learning with you to experience a spiritual first rain every day,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)