Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I have been paid in full and have more than enough . . . (Philippians 4:18, NRS).

Good Morning!

Most Americans understand the term “9-11.” In fact, “9-11” needs little explanation. Six years ago, on 9-11-01, a sense of disbelief settled upon the nation after an attack was made by terrorists. The horrific event became a national crisis, shared amongst people across the states. People wanted an explanation and asked the question, “How could it have happened?”

Crises often occur from a lack of awareness.

A crisis is an event that turns life upside-down and leaves a wound within the heart, mind, and/or body, individually and corporately. The hurt often is difficult to manage. Those who hurt often use an incredible amount of energy to blame others. Healing begins with the understanding that a crisis highlights the personal need for change within.

What is the outcome of healing? Peace.

The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians from a prison cell. He could not go anywhere or proceed with his plans. He could have perceived his life to be wrecked when he was put in prison. God revealed his presence to Paul as the Philippi church reached out and provided for his needs. That said, they were not able to get him out of prison. Even so, he said that he had “more than enough.” Why? The answer is that he had peace—the kind of peace that occurs when an individual has an acute awareness of the presence of God and a belief that He is always good.

Seek to have the kind of peace that allows you to say that you have more than enough, regardless of the circumstance.

Take time to be aware of the presence of God. He promises never to leave you.

Take time to be aware of the goodness of God. He promises never to fail you.

Live in the peace of God today—Shalom.
Learning with you to be aware,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)