Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The List of Names

In any case, it was kind of you to share my distress. (Philippians 4:14, NRS).

Good Morning!

I have compiled a list of names.
The list is long.
The list is incomplete.
The list will take all of my life to complete.
The list is comprised of the people who have impacted my life.
The list inspires me to reach out to others.

A group of people shared their life with the Apostle Paul. They served. The impact of their service was worth mentioning in his writings. He had been inspired by individuals who chose to share their life with him. Thousands of years later, the world continues to be impacted by Paul’s words.

The impact of serving others never ends.

Whose name is on your list?

Have you been impacted by someone who shared their life with you?

Have you received time, attention, and resources from someone?

Has someone served you without expecting anything from you?

There is indescribable worth in an individual who is willing to share their life with others.

Is your name on someone's list?

Make a difference in the world.
Share your life with others.
Celebrate the opportunity to make a difference and impact a life.

Learning with you to be listed as someone who shares life,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)