. . will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7b, NRS)
Good Morning!
I watch the sun move over the horizon from my home office window. An assortment of pinks and blues in the early morning skies underscore the creative work of God. As the day dawns, I have learned to become still to know the presence of God. Stillness increases an awareness of His presence and powerful activity. Let’s be honest . . . without time to be quiet and know the presence of God (Psalm 46:10) . . . busyness . . . pressures . . . problems begin to crowd into the mind and heart. Quietness of the heart and mind connects Christ followers with His presence and peace.
God is always present; however, humanity chooses whether to be connected or disconnected from His presence. That said, it is powerful to realize that God, according to His will, initiates connecting humanity with Himself through “His great love for us” (Ephesians 2:4). The Apostle Paul stated that knowing the presence of Christ allows an individual to experience peace, shalom, that guards the heart and mind.
How can the mind and heart be guarded with shalom when there are so many difficulties in this world? The bottom line to the answer of this question is: we can’t be enslaved to both the shalom of Christ and the problems of this world. A choice must be made.
Shalom is received through surrender to the unique and active work of the Spirit of Christ. Now come on . . . think about this . . . the Spirit of Christ . . . with infinite power . . . moves within our inner being and guards the mind and heart with shalom. The pressure of living is transformed through shalom, experienced through the abiding presence of the Spirit of Christ.
Be still.
Recognize the presence of God.
Connect with the presence and peace of Christ.
Surrender to the work of the Spirit of Christ within you.
Experience the powerful shalom that guards your heart and mind.
Learning with you to experience shalom through the Spirit of Christ,