Monday, July 23, 2007


Note: The next devotion will be sent on Thursday, July 26.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding . . . (Philippians 4:7a, NRS)

Good Morning!

A friend of mine is ill. The illness has created havoc in her life. A few of her health challenges include loss of hair, retention of fluid, nausea, and exhaustion. And, yet, she has peace . . . a peace that passes all understanding.

Authentic peace or shalom transcends pressures, problems, disappointments, and suffering. Why? Shalom can be defined as an ongoing experience and activity of the presence and goodness of God. Accordingly, God is faithful to be present (never to leave or forsake you and I) and to be eternally and perfectly good.

Shalom quiets and unifies the mind and heart, which produces wholeness. The continual ongoing activity of Jehovah (God) Shalom within individuals guards the heart much like a sentinel from the ancient days would guard the city gates, protecting the city from an invading attack. Shalom guards against the power of pressures and problems from invading the mind and heart.

Shalom is a gift.
Receive shalom.
Surrender disappointments and ensuing distress.
Experience shalom today.

Learning with you to live in shalom,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)