Friday, July 13, 2007


Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again -- rejoice!
(Philippians 4:4, NLT)

Good Morning!

A lone wolf blocked the road last night. The lone wolf seemed to lack upfront—friendliness . . . a true loner . . . one who avoids being with others. I actually had to stop for the loner, who blocked my lane, staring me down. Seriously, the lone wolf stood and stared. Okay, I might sound a little dramatic . . . but, seriously, the wolf stared at me. Actually, it seemed to be giving me a stare-dare communicating the message, “I dare you to cross me.” Yikes! I know I had the advantage over the lone wolf in my car . . . but . . . yikes!

Some individuals push others away, avoiding the pain of rejection through connection, resulting in a dejected, dismal, and depressed way of living. They live without joy, which is an elusive concept to loners. These disconnected individuals use an ongoing non-verbal communication, like the stare-dare, that gives the message: “DO NOT COME NEAR.”

A true connection with God and others comes through the power of Christ. Paul described the union with Christ as filled with joy. The words, chara, describing inner joy and chairein, meaning rejoice, are used in the book of Philippians. These two words share the Greek root for the word, “grace.” Joy can be experienced on a daily basis through the acceptance of the grace of God given through the work of Christ.

Choose to connect with God and others.
Refuse to stare-dare, communicating joyless, lone-living.
Seek to connect with God.
Experience the joy of connecting with God.
Communicate joy through the act of rejoicing.
Ask the Spirit to connect you with others.
Take time to meditate on the gift of being filled with Joy.
Be still to know God, the source of Joy.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Center your thoughts on Christ.
Communicate the joy of connecting with Christ.

Learning with you to rejoice, refusing to do the stare-dare,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)