Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In Everything

. . . But in everything by prayer and supplication . . . (Philippians 4:6b, NRS)

Good Morning!

Would you and I pray more if the divine activity initiated through prayer could be seen? Too often, we put prayer aside for "pocket praying." It is the familiar prayer to most of humanity, "GOD HELP ME!" The pocket prayer is valid; however, life changes when we pray about everything.

Prayer is the key to everything in life. Even the physiological and physical state changes when we enter into authentic prayer, focusing on God rather than upon pressures and problems. The Apostle Paul stated the importance to experience everything in life through prayer and supplication. In other words, prayer was not as much about the outcome but the experience.

Connecting with God through prayer in the power of Christ is so astounding that we are compelled to pray without ceasing. Praying through the power of Christ, who is the Light of the world, pierces the darkness of situations, producing clarity and Light. Through prayer we are able to see the divine possibilities in the most impossible situations. The list of what prayer is endless. Perhaps the most important component to the act of prayer is that it produces awareness of the presence of God, increasing faith and commitment to Him.

Refuse to dictate the desired outcome of situations in prayer.
Surrender everything to the control of God in prayer.
Experience connecting with God through the power of Christ.
Pray without ceasing.
Pray in everything.
Learning with you to pray about everything,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)