Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Who And What Consumes You?

Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. (Philippians 3:17, NIV)

Good Morning!

A new little phone-gadget with incredible capacities has been the subject of many conversations. I know that much of the world has changed for the better with the advent of technology; however, sometimes technology gadgets can be life-consuming, especially when there is a glitch. My computer rejected an installed program, consuming my time and attention for a good portion of the day. Essentially, I made adjustments in my life for the needs of an electronic device. Yikes! Think about it . . . who and what consumes you?

It goes without saying; Christ-followers need to be consumed with following Christ. Sometimes life becomes so complicated that the primary purpose and priority of living shifts to the background of living. The Apostle Paul chose to live like Christ, asking others to do the same.

To live the radical way of Christ a Christ-follower must willingly be consumed in thought, word, and behavior for Christ. This would be impossible without the Spirit's presence and guidance. The Spirit illuminates the way and empowers the Christ-follower to be like Christ on the journey.

Who and what consumes you?
Be still to know God’s presence.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Assess your life-pattern.
Identify your activities that reflect and deflect Christ.
Surrender whatever deflects the presence and power of Christ.
Behave and think through the illuminating and empowering work of the Spirit.
Live with an all-consuming desire to be like Christ.

Learning with you to live consumed with Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)