Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.
(Philippians 3:16, NLT)

Good Morning!

I answered the phone and began a discussion, unaware the call had been dropped. Turns out, I talked to myself for quite awhile before I realized I had been disconnected. How embarrassing . . . although . . . it was a great discussion . . . that went no where . . . but it was a great discussion.

It made me think how often humanity chooses to disconnect from the presence of God. The days we live disconnected from God go no where, wasted rather than invested for the sake of Christ. Individuals make the choice to keep connected each day.

The Apostle Paul explained Christ-followers connect with the same Spirit, leading to transformed thinking and behavior. Self-centered thought patterns are exchanged for Christ-centered thought patterns through an ongoing connection. There is a connection with the thought process and behavior. In other words, how we think is how we behave. So, Christ-followers, endowed with the same Spirit, have the opportunity to walk (behave) by the same rule of the Spirit with the same mind.

Rather than living disconnected in our own limited way we are enabled by the Spirit to live through God’s unlimited power and grace.

Remember God never disconnects from humanity, it is solely an individual-choice to keep connected. And there is more . . . the Spirit of God enables and empowers individuals to keep the connection.
Refuse to disconnect from the presence of God.
Choose to keep connected.

Learning with you to refuse to disconnect from God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)