Friday, June 29, 2007


Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19, NIV)

Good Morning!

Some people fail to understand life is a gift. Rather than celebrating life, individuals choose to risk and waste life with destructive behavior. Because I drive long distances, I see people on a daily basis who choose to risk their own life as well as others for the sake of arriving somewhere a few minutes earlier.
Are you kidding me?
Lives are wasted for a measly few minutes?
Yesterday, a little mini-car passed a line up of a huge combine, semi-truck with two trailers, and travel bus on a hill marked with signs that said, “DO NOT PASS.”
You guessed it---a car came over the hill in the lane that the mini-car used to pass—causing chaos for everyone else on the road.
Destructive behavior always impacts others!

The Apostle Paul described the self-destructive behavior of individuals offered the gift of RECONCILIATION with God; however, they refused the gift that leads to liberated living. Despite an individual's refusal to accept the gift, God continually offers liberating love to humanity through the reconciling action of Christ on the cross. The cross is the place of celebration, the bridge that crosses the chasm between God and humanity.
RECONCILIATION to God . . . the Sovereign, All-powerful, Creator of the universe and beyond . . . transforms an individual into a Christ-follower. . . freed from destructive behavior through accepting the life-gift of Christ on the cross.

The gift of RECONCILIATION, never to be taken for granted, is a reason to celebrate every day!
Put on the brakes of busyness!
Stop and think about the gift of being RECONCILED to God.
Refuse to take RECONCILIATION for granted.
Celebrate right now!
Celebrate the gift of being freed from destructive behavior through RECONCILIATION.
Celebrate the gift of unlimited-powerful--liberated living through the gift of RECONCILIATION.
Make it your motto today and every day: iCelebrate the gift of being RECONCILED with God.

Learning with you to join the celebration: iCelebrate,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)