Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. (Philippians 3:19, NIV)
Good Morning!
Some people fail to understand life is a gift. Rather than celebrating life, individuals choose to risk and waste life with destructive behavior. Because I drive long distances, I see people on a daily basis who choose to risk their own life as well as others for the sake of arriving somewhere a few minutes earlier.
Are you kidding me?
Lives are wasted for a measly few minutes?
Yesterday, a little mini-car passed a line up of a huge combine, semi-truck with two trailers, and travel bus on a hill marked with signs that said, “DO NOT PASS.”
You guessed it---a car came over the hill in the lane that the mini-car used to pass—causing chaos for everyone else on the road.
Destructive behavior always impacts others!
The Apostle Paul described the self-destructive behavior of individuals offered the gift of RECONCILIATION with God; however, they refused the gift that leads to liberated living. Despite an individual's refusal to accept the gift, God continually offers liberating love to humanity through the reconciling action of Christ on the cross. The cross is the place of celebration, the bridge that crosses the chasm between God and humanity.
RECONCILIATION to God . . . the Sovereign, All-powerful, Creator of the universe and beyond . . . transforms an individual into a Christ-follower. . . freed from destructive behavior through accepting the life-gift of Christ on the cross.
The gift of RECONCILIATION, never to be taken for granted, is a reason to celebrate every day!
Put on the brakes of busyness!
Stop and think about the gift of being RECONCILED to God.
Refuse to take RECONCILIATION for granted.
Celebrate right now!
Celebrate the gift of being freed from destructive behavior through RECONCILIATION.
Celebrate the gift of unlimited-powerful--liberated living through the gift of RECONCILIATION.
Make it your motto today and every day: iCelebrate the gift of being RECONCILED with God.
Learning with you to join the celebration: iCelebrate,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Crucial Meeting
For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. (Philippians 3:18, NIV)
Good Morning!
I listen to individuals who describe life filled with hurt and pain. Their words paint a picture of a huge void within life. Life becomes a series of disconnected and distressful days.
No one seems to care.
Needs are not met.
Nothing makes sense.
Life changes after an individual meets Christ.
Christ and Christ-followers genuinely care.
Christ and Christ-followers meet needs.
Christ makes sense.
The most crucial (critical, necessary, and vital) meeting in life occurs at the cross of Christ.
The Apostle Paul described the cross as a crucial (critical, necessary, and vital) life-point for Christ-followers. In view of that, the Apostle Paul tearfully describes individuals not living the way of the cross as enemies of the cross. It makes sense that Christ-followers need to hold a daily meeting at the cross with Christ. There is a crucified process that leads to a resurrected mind, heart, and soul.
Choose to have a crucial meeting at the cross.
Be still to know God’s presence.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Crucify thoughts, feelings, words and actions—experience a renewed and resurrected mind, heart, and soul!
Learning with you to prioritize the crucial meeting at the cross,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
I listen to individuals who describe life filled with hurt and pain. Their words paint a picture of a huge void within life. Life becomes a series of disconnected and distressful days.
No one seems to care.
Needs are not met.
Nothing makes sense.
Life changes after an individual meets Christ.
Christ and Christ-followers genuinely care.
Christ and Christ-followers meet needs.
Christ makes sense.
The most crucial (critical, necessary, and vital) meeting in life occurs at the cross of Christ.
The Apostle Paul described the cross as a crucial (critical, necessary, and vital) life-point for Christ-followers. In view of that, the Apostle Paul tearfully describes individuals not living the way of the cross as enemies of the cross. It makes sense that Christ-followers need to hold a daily meeting at the cross with Christ. There is a crucified process that leads to a resurrected mind, heart, and soul.
Choose to have a crucial meeting at the cross.
Be still to know God’s presence.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Crucify thoughts, feelings, words and actions—experience a renewed and resurrected mind, heart, and soul!
Learning with you to prioritize the crucial meeting at the cross,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Who And What Consumes You?
Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. (Philippians 3:17, NIV)
Good Morning!
A new little phone-gadget with incredible capacities has been the subject of many conversations. I know that much of the world has changed for the better with the advent of technology; however, sometimes technology gadgets can be life-consuming, especially when there is a glitch. My computer rejected an installed program, consuming my time and attention for a good portion of the day. Essentially, I made adjustments in my life for the needs of an electronic device. Yikes! Think about it . . . who and what consumes you?
It goes without saying; Christ-followers need to be consumed with following Christ. Sometimes life becomes so complicated that the primary purpose and priority of living shifts to the background of living. The Apostle Paul chose to live like Christ, asking others to do the same.
To live the radical way of Christ a Christ-follower must willingly be consumed in thought, word, and behavior for Christ. This would be impossible without the Spirit's presence and guidance. The Spirit illuminates the way and empowers the Christ-follower to be like Christ on the journey.
Who and what consumes you?
Be still to know God’s presence.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Assess your life-pattern.
Identify your activities that reflect and deflect Christ.
Surrender whatever deflects the presence and power of Christ.
Behave and think through the illuminating and empowering work of the Spirit.
Live with an all-consuming desire to be like Christ.
Learning with you to live consumed with Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
A new little phone-gadget with incredible capacities has been the subject of many conversations. I know that much of the world has changed for the better with the advent of technology; however, sometimes technology gadgets can be life-consuming, especially when there is a glitch. My computer rejected an installed program, consuming my time and attention for a good portion of the day. Essentially, I made adjustments in my life for the needs of an electronic device. Yikes! Think about it . . . who and what consumes you?
It goes without saying; Christ-followers need to be consumed with following Christ. Sometimes life becomes so complicated that the primary purpose and priority of living shifts to the background of living. The Apostle Paul chose to live like Christ, asking others to do the same.
To live the radical way of Christ a Christ-follower must willingly be consumed in thought, word, and behavior for Christ. This would be impossible without the Spirit's presence and guidance. The Spirit illuminates the way and empowers the Christ-follower to be like Christ on the journey.
Who and what consumes you?
Be still to know God’s presence.
Slowly read today’s scripture.
Let the Word of God settle into your mind and heart.
Assess your life-pattern.
Identify your activities that reflect and deflect Christ.
Surrender whatever deflects the presence and power of Christ.
Behave and think through the illuminating and empowering work of the Spirit.
Live with an all-consuming desire to be like Christ.
Learning with you to live consumed with Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.
(Philippians 3:16, NLT)
Good Morning!
I answered the phone and began a discussion, unaware the call had been dropped. Turns out, I talked to myself for quite awhile before I realized I had been disconnected. How embarrassing . . . although . . . it was a great discussion . . . that went no where . . . but it was a great discussion.
It made me think how often humanity chooses to disconnect from the presence of God. The days we live disconnected from God go no where, wasted rather than invested for the sake of Christ. Individuals make the choice to keep connected each day.
The Apostle Paul explained Christ-followers connect with the same Spirit, leading to transformed thinking and behavior. Self-centered thought patterns are exchanged for Christ-centered thought patterns through an ongoing connection. There is a connection with the thought process and behavior. In other words, how we think is how we behave. So, Christ-followers, endowed with the same Spirit, have the opportunity to walk (behave) by the same rule of the Spirit with the same mind.
Rather than living disconnected in our own limited way we are enabled by the Spirit to live through God’s unlimited power and grace.
Remember God never disconnects from humanity, it is solely an individual-choice to keep connected. And there is more . . . the Spirit of God enables and empowers individuals to keep the connection.
Refuse to disconnect from the presence of God.
Choose to keep connected.
Learning with you to refuse to disconnect from God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
(Philippians 3:16, NLT)
Good Morning!
I answered the phone and began a discussion, unaware the call had been dropped. Turns out, I talked to myself for quite awhile before I realized I had been disconnected. How embarrassing . . . although . . . it was a great discussion . . . that went no where . . . but it was a great discussion.
It made me think how often humanity chooses to disconnect from the presence of God. The days we live disconnected from God go no where, wasted rather than invested for the sake of Christ. Individuals make the choice to keep connected each day.
The Apostle Paul explained Christ-followers connect with the same Spirit, leading to transformed thinking and behavior. Self-centered thought patterns are exchanged for Christ-centered thought patterns through an ongoing connection. There is a connection with the thought process and behavior. In other words, how we think is how we behave. So, Christ-followers, endowed with the same Spirit, have the opportunity to walk (behave) by the same rule of the Spirit with the same mind.
Rather than living disconnected in our own limited way we are enabled by the Spirit to live through God’s unlimited power and grace.
Remember God never disconnects from humanity, it is solely an individual-choice to keep connected. And there is more . . . the Spirit of God enables and empowers individuals to keep the connection.
Refuse to disconnect from the presence of God.
Choose to keep connected.
Learning with you to refuse to disconnect from God,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Are We There Yet?
Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.
(Philippians 3:15, NLT)
Good Morning!
I rode in the car with my friend and her children. I forgot how often children say, “Are we there yet?”
My friend repeatedly told them, “It will take more time to get there.”
I mean . . . repeatedly. The "are we there yet" question was followed with three more questions:
“How much time is more time?”
“What time will it be when it is time?”
“Why does it take so much time?”
Life is a process marked by time. The Apostle Paul explained his own process in life. He used the word, “therefore,” which causes the reader to pose the question—“What is there for?” The Apostle Paul wanted Christ-followers to keep his transforming-life-changing-never-to-be-the-same-experience within their minds. Paul’s life accomplishments and attainment could not compare with the abiding divine presence of Christ (Phil 3:7–8). Life no longer had to be defined by “trying” but through the work of Christ on the cross (Phil 3:9-10). The past remained in the grave as he became new through the resurrected power of Christ (Phil 3:11). Subsequently, Paul focused on the upward call to live for Jesus (Phil 3:12–14). His life was a process . . . he admitted that he had not arrived but continued to move towards the goal of being like Christ.
Life is a process . . . we are not there yet!
Take your time and invest it for the sake of Christ.
Take the route of the upward call.
Move towards the goal of being like Christ.
Celebrate the journey of life!
Learning with you to enjoy the time it takes to make the journey,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
(Philippians 3:15, NLT)
Good Morning!
I rode in the car with my friend and her children. I forgot how often children say, “Are we there yet?”
My friend repeatedly told them, “It will take more time to get there.”
I mean . . . repeatedly. The "are we there yet" question was followed with three more questions:
“How much time is more time?”
“What time will it be when it is time?”
“Why does it take so much time?”
Life is a process marked by time. The Apostle Paul explained his own process in life. He used the word, “therefore,” which causes the reader to pose the question—“What is there for?” The Apostle Paul wanted Christ-followers to keep his transforming-life-changing-never-to-be-the-same-experience within their minds. Paul’s life accomplishments and attainment could not compare with the abiding divine presence of Christ (Phil 3:7–8). Life no longer had to be defined by “trying” but through the work of Christ on the cross (Phil 3:9-10). The past remained in the grave as he became new through the resurrected power of Christ (Phil 3:11). Subsequently, Paul focused on the upward call to live for Jesus (Phil 3:12–14). His life was a process . . . he admitted that he had not arrived but continued to move towards the goal of being like Christ.
Life is a process . . . we are not there yet!
Take your time and invest it for the sake of Christ.
Take the route of the upward call.
Move towards the goal of being like Christ.
Celebrate the journey of life!
Learning with you to enjoy the time it takes to make the journey,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Come on--step out!
I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14, NLT)
Good Morning!
I had a friend who chose to purposefully live beyond daily pressures and problems. Her days on earth were spent with an unusual exuberance and passion for life. Unfortunately, I often missed the meaning of her life message. I would step back and observe her extreme enthusiasm and energy rather than actually experiencing life the way she did.
On one occasion I watched my friend stand perfectly still on a city sidewalk while experiencing the full force of a rain storm. She did not move towards shelter or open the umbrella in her hand. Meanwhile. . . I stood safely and comfortably under the roof of a building with my umbrella open. As I watched her get wet she coaxed me, “Come on . . . step out . . . experience the rain with me.”
I smiled but did not move.
After the rain stopped, we walked away as she explained that water coming out of the skies should be considered an amazing miracle. Wow, talk about a different reality . . . I viewed the rainstorm at the very least as an inconvenience and a nuisance.
Through out history there are individuals who break through the pressures and problems of living and experience life fully and wholly. The Apostle Paul described this kind of living as an upward calling, empowered by the indwelling presence of the Spirit. In Philippians 3, he compared his past life focused on rules versus his new life lived through a relationship with Christ.
Humanity is faced with the decision to step out from the perceived comfort and safety of rules to the miracle of being continually transformed by the ever-dynamic presence of Christ.
Come on . . . step out today.
Move away from perceived comfort and safety.
Celebrate the miracle of the ever-dynamic presence of Christ.
Come on . . . step out and experience Life with exuberance and enthusiasm.
Learning with you to step out and fully experience Life,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
I had a friend who chose to purposefully live beyond daily pressures and problems. Her days on earth were spent with an unusual exuberance and passion for life. Unfortunately, I often missed the meaning of her life message. I would step back and observe her extreme enthusiasm and energy rather than actually experiencing life the way she did.
On one occasion I watched my friend stand perfectly still on a city sidewalk while experiencing the full force of a rain storm. She did not move towards shelter or open the umbrella in her hand. Meanwhile. . . I stood safely and comfortably under the roof of a building with my umbrella open. As I watched her get wet she coaxed me, “Come on . . . step out . . . experience the rain with me.”
I smiled but did not move.
After the rain stopped, we walked away as she explained that water coming out of the skies should be considered an amazing miracle. Wow, talk about a different reality . . . I viewed the rainstorm at the very least as an inconvenience and a nuisance.
Through out history there are individuals who break through the pressures and problems of living and experience life fully and wholly. The Apostle Paul described this kind of living as an upward calling, empowered by the indwelling presence of the Spirit. In Philippians 3, he compared his past life focused on rules versus his new life lived through a relationship with Christ.
Humanity is faced with the decision to step out from the perceived comfort and safety of rules to the miracle of being continually transformed by the ever-dynamic presence of Christ.
Come on . . . step out today.
Move away from perceived comfort and safety.
Celebrate the miracle of the ever-dynamic presence of Christ.
Come on . . . step out and experience Life with exuberance and enthusiasm.
Learning with you to step out and fully experience Life,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sunny Days On The Way
No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead . . . (Philippians 3:13, NLT)
Good Morning!
Summer officially begins today as the earth’s axis tilts toward the sun. Most people in our area of the world look forward to the warmer weather and longer days. Rainy, windy, cold days are exchanged for sunny days.
Actually, this event might call for some singing. Okay . . . don’t be scared but I am definitely singing the words from the now infamous children’s song:
“Sunny day sweepin' the clouds away on my way . . .
(Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?)”
It's true . . . there are times that we need to focus on the sunny days of life rather than all the stormy events in the past. The Apostle Paul wrote about the choice to look forward to what could be rather than focusing on what had or had not occurred in the past. Regardless of circumstances, the presence of God transforms who we are and how we manage life. The Spirit allows us to see through the storms to see the presence and power of the Son of God. Nothing can compare with His presence. Take time today and see the power of God transforming the stormy times of life to sunny days on the Way.
Ask God for the power to see beyond the storms of life.
Believe God has the power to sweep away the storm clouds that hang over you.
Look forward to the future—sunny days are on the Way.
Learning with you to look forward to the sunny days on the Way.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
Summer officially begins today as the earth’s axis tilts toward the sun. Most people in our area of the world look forward to the warmer weather and longer days. Rainy, windy, cold days are exchanged for sunny days.
Actually, this event might call for some singing. Okay . . . don’t be scared but I am definitely singing the words from the now infamous children’s song:
“Sunny day sweepin' the clouds away on my way . . .
(Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?)”
It's true . . . there are times that we need to focus on the sunny days of life rather than all the stormy events in the past. The Apostle Paul wrote about the choice to look forward to what could be rather than focusing on what had or had not occurred in the past. Regardless of circumstances, the presence of God transforms who we are and how we manage life. The Spirit allows us to see through the storms to see the presence and power of the Son of God. Nothing can compare with His presence. Take time today and see the power of God transforming the stormy times of life to sunny days on the Way.
Ask God for the power to see beyond the storms of life.
Believe God has the power to sweep away the storm clouds that hang over you.
Look forward to the future—sunny days are on the Way.
Learning with you to look forward to the sunny days on the Way.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be. (Philippians 3:12, NIV)
Good Morning!
Change is not necessarily easy. Actually, change can be down-right difficult. Let’s be honest, change is relative easy without the need for personal change; however, change becomes more of a challenge when we must change to accommodate the change.
I frequently used a street before it changed from a two-way into a one-way street. Um . . . that’s not easy. Evidently my brain continues to function as if the street has remained as a two-way street. I am surprised every time I turn towards the street and see the big sign with the warning—DO NOT ENTER. Change sometimes is a literal life and death matter.
The Apostle Paul explained the only way to experience full life is to change from living without Christ to living with Christ. In turn, there is a continual process of change when an individual moves from what they have been to what they are and can become in Christ. A vital component of the transformational process includes an active and continual commitment to change the way thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions functioned without Christ, refusing to re-enter past routines and habits. The goal of change for a Christ-follower is to become all that Christ has intended.
DO NOT ENTER the way of a Christ-less lifestyle.
Enter into a lifestyle of empowered and continual change to be more like Christ.
Keep working toward all that Christ has saved you for and wants you to be.
Learning with you to refuse to enter a Christ-less way of life.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
Change is not necessarily easy. Actually, change can be down-right difficult. Let’s be honest, change is relative easy without the need for personal change; however, change becomes more of a challenge when we must change to accommodate the change.
I frequently used a street before it changed from a two-way into a one-way street. Um . . . that’s not easy. Evidently my brain continues to function as if the street has remained as a two-way street. I am surprised every time I turn towards the street and see the big sign with the warning—DO NOT ENTER. Change sometimes is a literal life and death matter.
The Apostle Paul explained the only way to experience full life is to change from living without Christ to living with Christ. In turn, there is a continual process of change when an individual moves from what they have been to what they are and can become in Christ. A vital component of the transformational process includes an active and continual commitment to change the way thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions functioned without Christ, refusing to re-enter past routines and habits. The goal of change for a Christ-follower is to become all that Christ has intended.
DO NOT ENTER the way of a Christ-less lifestyle.
Enter into a lifestyle of empowered and continual change to be more like Christ.
Keep working toward all that Christ has saved you for and wants you to be.
Learning with you to refuse to enter a Christ-less way of life.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Grave-Dead-End-Never-Going-To-Change Lifestyle
As a result, I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I can learn what it means to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that, somehow, I can experience the resurrection from the dead! (Philippians 3:10-11, NIV)
Good Morning!
I have tried to help an individual that other people typically describe as difficult and challenging. The individual sees reality from a negative view point, attempting to convince others that up is down and down is up. This individual thinks, acts, and lives with a grave--dead-end-never-going-to-change lifestyle. Most of us have encountered at least one difficult and challenging individual somewhere in the world. Let me put it this way . . . these are the people that seem to extract life out of anyone and everyone.
Anyway . . . I could not seem to help this individual until I changed. Yep . . . you got it . . . I had to change. Isn’t that just how it goes? Yikes!
After an extended session of prayer, I realized that I needed to see the difficult and challenging individual through the Resurrection. In other words, I needed to relate through the resurrected power rather than from the grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change-perspective.
The Apostle Paul equated knowing Christ as an experience of the power of the resurrection. The power of Christ’s resurrection raises an individual from their grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change lifestyle to an empowered new life of love, peace, and joy—a resurrected life. The resurrection is the leverage of living.
Relate to others through the Resurrection.
Refuse to think and see through a grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change perspective.
Celebrate the resurrected lifestyle.
Learning with you to refuse the grave--dead-end-never-going-to-change perspective,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
I have tried to help an individual that other people typically describe as difficult and challenging. The individual sees reality from a negative view point, attempting to convince others that up is down and down is up. This individual thinks, acts, and lives with a grave--dead-end-never-going-to-change lifestyle. Most of us have encountered at least one difficult and challenging individual somewhere in the world. Let me put it this way . . . these are the people that seem to extract life out of anyone and everyone.
Anyway . . . I could not seem to help this individual until I changed. Yep . . . you got it . . . I had to change. Isn’t that just how it goes? Yikes!
After an extended session of prayer, I realized that I needed to see the difficult and challenging individual through the Resurrection. In other words, I needed to relate through the resurrected power rather than from the grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change-perspective.
The Apostle Paul equated knowing Christ as an experience of the power of the resurrection. The power of Christ’s resurrection raises an individual from their grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change lifestyle to an empowered new life of love, peace, and joy—a resurrected life. The resurrection is the leverage of living.
Relate to others through the Resurrection.
Refuse to think and see through a grave-dead-end-never-going-to-change perspective.
Celebrate the resurrected lifestyle.
Learning with you to refuse the grave--dead-end-never-going-to-change perspective,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Monday, June 18, 2007
I no longer count on my own goodness or my ability to obey God's law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith. (Philippians 3:9b, NIV)
Good Morning!
I listened to some friends recite stories of difficult challenges after being in a car wreck. There are many unknown details in their future. As a result they have compiled a mental list of things they fear. Turns out, I agree with their list. Each detail seems reasonable for concern and fear.
Fear begins in the mind, which directs fearful words and behavior. Without argument . . . a mind-flip is difficult . . . to flip from focusing on fear to faith. The only way that I have found to do the mind-flip is to ask the Spirit of God for power to release the fear and to replace it with faith.
The Apostle Paul described his transition from relying on his own effort to relying on Christ through faith. Humanity does not have to depend on their personal strength or ability if they choose to follow Christ. Life turns downside-up through the dynamic indwelling presence of Christ.
Though it makes sense to fear the unknown in this world, individuals experiencing the presence and power of the Spirit have the opportunity to live in faith.
Assess your thoughts today.
Admit the thoughts directing you away from faith.
Ask the Spirit of God for the power to do a mind-flip.
Do the mind-flip!
Develop your thoughts, words, and actions through faith.
Do the mind-flip continually.
Learning with you to do the mind-flip,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
I listened to some friends recite stories of difficult challenges after being in a car wreck. There are many unknown details in their future. As a result they have compiled a mental list of things they fear. Turns out, I agree with their list. Each detail seems reasonable for concern and fear.
Fear begins in the mind, which directs fearful words and behavior. Without argument . . . a mind-flip is difficult . . . to flip from focusing on fear to faith. The only way that I have found to do the mind-flip is to ask the Spirit of God for power to release the fear and to replace it with faith.
The Apostle Paul described his transition from relying on his own effort to relying on Christ through faith. Humanity does not have to depend on their personal strength or ability if they choose to follow Christ. Life turns downside-up through the dynamic indwelling presence of Christ.
Though it makes sense to fear the unknown in this world, individuals experiencing the presence and power of the Spirit have the opportunity to live in faith.
Assess your thoughts today.
Admit the thoughts directing you away from faith.
Ask the Spirit of God for the power to do a mind-flip.
Do the mind-flip!
Develop your thoughts, words, and actions through faith.
Do the mind-flip continually.
Learning with you to do the mind-flip,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Garbage or Treasure?
Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ and become one with him. (Philippians 3:8-9a, NIV)
Good Morning!
I watched a man on the sidewalk trying to balance empty pizza boxes, milk cartons, and old newspapers in a shopping cart. The wind picked up a milk jug and propelled it out of the cart into the street. I ran after it with the intention to retrieve it for him; however, he became quite possessive and intercepted the milk jug before I grasped it. And then I realized . . . I perceived that the stuff was garbage . . . he appeared to think of each item as a prized possession.
There is a saying that states: “One man's garbage is another man's treasure.” It is our perspective or reality that determines what is garbage and/or treasure in life.
The Apostle Paul listed his success in the Jewish world; however, he explained that the list was garbage in comparison to knowing Christ Jesus. In fact, the ancient word used for garbage usually meant either excrement or food needing to be disposed . . . yikes . . . that conjures up a distinctive picture.
So . . . stinking, disgusting garbage can be compared to power, possession, or position in the world; while the presence, power, and peace of Christ is the authentic treasure of life. Even so, “garbage” often competes in our daily living with the true “Treasure” of life. Accordingly, there is a choice in every attitude, thought, word, and action to either be stinking and disgusting garbage or an expression of Christ.
Make a choice today.
Assess your attitudes, thoughts, words and actions: garbage or treasure?
Choose the Treasure.
Celebrate the wealth of the Treasure!
Learning with you to choose the Treasure,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
I watched a man on the sidewalk trying to balance empty pizza boxes, milk cartons, and old newspapers in a shopping cart. The wind picked up a milk jug and propelled it out of the cart into the street. I ran after it with the intention to retrieve it for him; however, he became quite possessive and intercepted the milk jug before I grasped it. And then I realized . . . I perceived that the stuff was garbage . . . he appeared to think of each item as a prized possession.
There is a saying that states: “One man's garbage is another man's treasure.” It is our perspective or reality that determines what is garbage and/or treasure in life.
The Apostle Paul listed his success in the Jewish world; however, he explained that the list was garbage in comparison to knowing Christ Jesus. In fact, the ancient word used for garbage usually meant either excrement or food needing to be disposed . . . yikes . . . that conjures up a distinctive picture.
So . . . stinking, disgusting garbage can be compared to power, possession, or position in the world; while the presence, power, and peace of Christ is the authentic treasure of life. Even so, “garbage” often competes in our daily living with the true “Treasure” of life. Accordingly, there is a choice in every attitude, thought, word, and action to either be stinking and disgusting garbage or an expression of Christ.
Make a choice today.
Assess your attitudes, thoughts, words and actions: garbage or treasure?
Choose the Treasure.
Celebrate the wealth of the Treasure!
Learning with you to choose the Treasure,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
For the sake of . . .
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. (Philippians 3:7, NIV)
Good Morning!
We had the opportunity to take a break from our busy schedule last week. There is a transition period on both sides of a vacation. A definite transition is required to free oneself of living by a schedule. Once freedom is fully experienced it is time to go home and transition back into the schedule. At the very least it is confusing . . . even so, it is necessary to break away from the schedule for health and wholeness.
Likewise, taking a break during the day is necessary for sustainable health. You might say, we need to put the brakes on busyness. A daily separation from busyness, allows you and I to determine if we are investing or spending the gift of life. We must be honest and fill in the blank: Today I am living for the sake of . . .
The Apostle Paul chose to live for the “sake of Christ,” which is the key component to transformational living. Perspective and/or reality transforms for the individual who lives for the “sake of Christ.” This is accomplished through experiencing and managing life through the presence and work of the Spirit . . . “and as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more” (2 Corinthians 3:18 b, NLT).
Choose to live for the sake of Christ.
Experience the continual transforming presence of the Spirit of Christ.
Put the brakes on busyness during the day.
Take a break and seek God.
Fill in the blank with honesty: Today I am living for the sake of . . .
Ask God to empower you through the Spirit to let go of anything that inhibits living fully and wholly for the sake of Christ.
Enjoy the freedom of living for the sake of Christ.
Learning with you to live for the sake of Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
We had the opportunity to take a break from our busy schedule last week. There is a transition period on both sides of a vacation. A definite transition is required to free oneself of living by a schedule. Once freedom is fully experienced it is time to go home and transition back into the schedule. At the very least it is confusing . . . even so, it is necessary to break away from the schedule for health and wholeness.
Likewise, taking a break during the day is necessary for sustainable health. You might say, we need to put the brakes on busyness. A daily separation from busyness, allows you and I to determine if we are investing or spending the gift of life. We must be honest and fill in the blank: Today I am living for the sake of . . .
The Apostle Paul chose to live for the “sake of Christ,” which is the key component to transformational living. Perspective and/or reality transforms for the individual who lives for the “sake of Christ.” This is accomplished through experiencing and managing life through the presence and work of the Spirit . . . “and as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more” (2 Corinthians 3:18 b, NLT).
Choose to live for the sake of Christ.
Experience the continual transforming presence of the Spirit of Christ.
Put the brakes on busyness during the day.
Take a break and seek God.
Fill in the blank with honesty: Today I am living for the sake of . . .
Ask God to empower you through the Spirit to let go of anything that inhibits living fully and wholly for the sake of Christ.
Enjoy the freedom of living for the sake of Christ.
Learning with you to live for the sake of Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If anyone else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for legalistic righteousness, faultless. (Philippians 3:4-6, NIV)
Good Morning!
Tiffany’s students and families came to our home last night for the annual end of school barbeque. Several kids and adults participated—we lost count at one hundred. We had face painting, cotton candy, burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, ball games, and a movie that recorded the student’s school year! It was all fun; however, the secret to our success was a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house set up in our backyard courtesy of some parents who rented it for the event.
To make sure you get this picture—imagine a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house filled with high-energy, bouncy, laughing kids and . . . yes. . . old kids (adults). According to the young and old kids, the big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house made it the best backyard ever! Who knew that a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house would be the key to success?
Success is an elusive and sought after commodity!
The Apostle Paul discussed his success before he encountered Christ. He lived the consummate Jewish life: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee; zealous, righteousness, and faultless. The list would have been considered to be a perfect success; however, Paul was transformed after he encountered Christ. Life no longer had to be based on success in the world but solely upon the presence, power, and peace of Christ. Life in Christ results in a dynamic, continual transformation.
Living the best life ever is not about success in the world but about following Christ!
Meditate on the difference between focusing on success and Christ:
Powerful . . .
Dynamic . . .
Transformational living.
Learning with you to live a transformational life through Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
Tiffany’s students and families came to our home last night for the annual end of school barbeque. Several kids and adults participated—we lost count at one hundred. We had face painting, cotton candy, burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, ball games, and a movie that recorded the student’s school year! It was all fun; however, the secret to our success was a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house set up in our backyard courtesy of some parents who rented it for the event.
To make sure you get this picture—imagine a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house filled with high-energy, bouncy, laughing kids and . . . yes. . . old kids (adults). According to the young and old kids, the big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house made it the best backyard ever! Who knew that a big-blow-up-bouncy-fun-house would be the key to success?
Success is an elusive and sought after commodity!
The Apostle Paul discussed his success before he encountered Christ. He lived the consummate Jewish life: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, a Pharisee; zealous, righteousness, and faultless. The list would have been considered to be a perfect success; however, Paul was transformed after he encountered Christ. Life no longer had to be based on success in the world but solely upon the presence, power, and peace of Christ. Life in Christ results in a dynamic, continual transformation.
Living the best life ever is not about success in the world but about following Christ!
Meditate on the difference between focusing on success and Christ:
Powerful . . .
Dynamic . . .
Transformational living.
Learning with you to live a transformational life through Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The Journey
Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh-- (Philippians 3:2-3, NIV)
Good Morning!
We toured Washington D.C. on "Segways." The best way I can describe a "Segway" is to say they are two wheeled, self-balancing mobiles. Balancing and movement fuse together, a key component to the operation of "Segways." Our instructor explained a three step process:
1. Use your brain and think about moving forward, to the side, backward, and stopping.
2. Allow your body to respond to the brain’s commands.
3. Expect the "Segway" via a computer to respond to your movements.
Wow—incredible—it works! Balancing and movement fuse together. Our brain and body can actually interact with a computer to bring about a whole new way of traveling.
Note: I thought that my brain might somehow communicate my natural tendency to stumble, trip, and/or fall; however, the machine’s abilities overpowered my well . . . lack of inherent balance.
The experience reminded me that humanity has the option to make the journey with or without the power of the Spirit of God. The Apostle Paul contrasted the struggle and fight of spirit and flesh to the powerful fusion of the Spirit of God within an individual. The New Testament writings of the Apostle Paul continually spotlight the dynamic power of the Spirit of God. An individual moves from living in the limitations of the flesh (self-centered living and/or living without God) to living a dynamic life in the Spirit through the power of Christ on the cross. Paul uses the word, “circumcision,” to describe being freed from the power of the flesh.
Be free!
Experience the power of the infusing presence of the Spirit today and every day--the Spirit propels individuals through the journey of life with unimaginable power and purpose:
1. Use your brain and consciously respond to the Spirit.
2. Allow your whole being to respond to the direction of the Spirit.
3. Expect more than you can imagine on the journey when you live empowered by the Spirit rather than being self-empowered (living in the flesh).
Take time to enjoy the journey!
Learning with you to make the journey through the power of the Spirit,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
We toured Washington D.C. on "Segways." The best way I can describe a "Segway" is to say they are two wheeled, self-balancing mobiles. Balancing and movement fuse together, a key component to the operation of "Segways." Our instructor explained a three step process:
1. Use your brain and think about moving forward, to the side, backward, and stopping.
2. Allow your body to respond to the brain’s commands.
3. Expect the "Segway" via a computer to respond to your movements.
Wow—incredible—it works! Balancing and movement fuse together. Our brain and body can actually interact with a computer to bring about a whole new way of traveling.
Note: I thought that my brain might somehow communicate my natural tendency to stumble, trip, and/or fall; however, the machine’s abilities overpowered my well . . . lack of inherent balance.
The experience reminded me that humanity has the option to make the journey with or without the power of the Spirit of God. The Apostle Paul contrasted the struggle and fight of spirit and flesh to the powerful fusion of the Spirit of God within an individual. The New Testament writings of the Apostle Paul continually spotlight the dynamic power of the Spirit of God. An individual moves from living in the limitations of the flesh (self-centered living and/or living without God) to living a dynamic life in the Spirit through the power of Christ on the cross. Paul uses the word, “circumcision,” to describe being freed from the power of the flesh.
Be free!
Experience the power of the infusing presence of the Spirit today and every day--the Spirit propels individuals through the journey of life with unimaginable power and purpose:
1. Use your brain and consciously respond to the Spirit.
2. Allow your whole being to respond to the direction of the Spirit.
3. Expect more than you can imagine on the journey when you live empowered by the Spirit rather than being self-empowered (living in the flesh).
Take time to enjoy the journey!
Learning with you to make the journey through the power of the Spirit,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Monday, June 11, 2007
God Incident
Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is not troublesome to me, and for you it is a safeguard. (Philippians 3:1, NIV)
Good Morning!
We have celebrated Tim's graduation. There have been a series of events that could be interpreted as "God incidences." These are the kind of events that can't be considered as mere coincidences or accidents. The incidences give a glimpse of the heart of God.
A power pole went down causing a power outage in a three block radius on graduation night. While termed an accident, the events thereafter can be considered a God incident. . .
After several hours the power had been restored with the exception of the building in which the graduation ceremony was to be held. Public safety requirements prohibited the graduation ceremony to be held in the dark building. Within 45 minutes of the ceremony time everything was moved to the school football field. Scheduling the ceremony on the football field has never been inadvisable due to the possibility of inclement weather, difficulty with sound equipment, and lack of appropriate seating. Before anyone could complain, people began to realize that something incredible had occurred. The fingerprints of God seemed almost visible.
Only a few months before, the high school principal had spent his last moments of life on the specific part of the earth that became their graduation site. Incredibly, the grieving students were able to honor their never-to-be-forgotten principal, a man of God who championed teenagers. They stood on the hallowed ground in their last official moments as high school students with an observable new joy—a God incident!
The new administrator opened the evening with the acknowledgment that God powerfully orchestrated the celebration. In turn, the graduates' love for their principal had been honored. A powerful sense of the presence of God rippled through the crowd evoking an overriding joy, setting the tone for the evening.
Only God can give joy in the midst of sorrow and suffering--an intervention--a God incident.
Despite the suffering of being imprisoned, the Apostle Paul told the community/family of faith, to rejoice. He used the word, "finally," to underscore that when all is said and done, that Christ-followers need to rejoice. Knowing the presence, power, and peace of God--seeing life as a series of God incidents--produces joy despite suffering or sorrow. Paul, aware of the presence of God, told the people to rejoice--or to repeatedly experience the joy of living in the presence of God.
Take time to be aware of God incidences.
Celebrate moment-by-moment God incidences.
Learning with you to experience God incidences and rejoice,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Good Morning!
We have celebrated Tim's graduation. There have been a series of events that could be interpreted as "God incidences." These are the kind of events that can't be considered as mere coincidences or accidents. The incidences give a glimpse of the heart of God.
A power pole went down causing a power outage in a three block radius on graduation night. While termed an accident, the events thereafter can be considered a God incident. . .
After several hours the power had been restored with the exception of the building in which the graduation ceremony was to be held. Public safety requirements prohibited the graduation ceremony to be held in the dark building. Within 45 minutes of the ceremony time everything was moved to the school football field. Scheduling the ceremony on the football field has never been inadvisable due to the possibility of inclement weather, difficulty with sound equipment, and lack of appropriate seating. Before anyone could complain, people began to realize that something incredible had occurred. The fingerprints of God seemed almost visible.
Only a few months before, the high school principal had spent his last moments of life on the specific part of the earth that became their graduation site. Incredibly, the grieving students were able to honor their never-to-be-forgotten principal, a man of God who championed teenagers. They stood on the hallowed ground in their last official moments as high school students with an observable new joy—a God incident!
The new administrator opened the evening with the acknowledgment that God powerfully orchestrated the celebration. In turn, the graduates' love for their principal had been honored. A powerful sense of the presence of God rippled through the crowd evoking an overriding joy, setting the tone for the evening.
Only God can give joy in the midst of sorrow and suffering--an intervention--a God incident.
Despite the suffering of being imprisoned, the Apostle Paul told the community/family of faith, to rejoice. He used the word, "finally," to underscore that when all is said and done, that Christ-followers need to rejoice. Knowing the presence, power, and peace of God--seeing life as a series of God incidents--produces joy despite suffering or sorrow. Paul, aware of the presence of God, told the people to rejoice--or to repeatedly experience the joy of living in the presence of God.
Take time to be aware of God incidences.
Celebrate moment-by-moment God incidences.
Learning with you to experience God incidences and rejoice,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
Friday, June 1, 2007
Please note: The next devotion will be sent on Monday, June 11.
For he longs for all of you and is distressed because you heard he was ill. Indeed he was ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow. Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, so that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety. Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor men like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give me.(Philippians 2:26-30, NIV)
Timothy graduates tonight. Tricia, a school board member, has received the joyous privilege of handing the diploma to Tim. Guaranteed there will be some emotion as we watch the transaction between our oldest and youngest child. We are grateful for Tricia, Troy, and Tiffany’s influence in Timothy’s life. They have selflessly put aside their schedules, faithfully attending games, concerts, and a myriad of other activities. Without fail, they have celebrated Timothy, responding to him with sky-rocket joy.
In Philippians 2: 26-30, the Apostle Paul observed the sky-rocket joy connection between Epaphroditus and the community of believers in Philippi. In fact, he encouraged the brothers and sisters of Christ to welcome Epaphroditus with great joy or sky-rocket joy. Responding to an individual with sky rocket joy elicits more joy. True joy can only be experienced through the presence of the grace of God. Actually, the Greek word for grace is derived from the same root, cha, as the words for inner joy, chara, and to rejoice, chairein.
A sky-rocket joy connection produces a dynamic message that an individual is more important than schedules, tasks, or circumstances.
A sky-rocket joy connection produces a dynamic message of acceptance and love.
A sky-rocket joy connection is guaranteed to blast the socks right off of individuals.
Intentionally celebrate specific individuals with sky-rocket joy.
Blast their socks off !
Learning with you to celebrate others with sky-rocket joy,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
For he longs for all of you and is distressed because you heard he was ill. Indeed he was ill, and almost died. But God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow. Therefore I am all the more eager to send him, so that when you see him again you may be glad and I may have less anxiety. Welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor men like him, because he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to make up for the help you could not give me.(Philippians 2:26-30, NIV)
Timothy graduates tonight. Tricia, a school board member, has received the joyous privilege of handing the diploma to Tim. Guaranteed there will be some emotion as we watch the transaction between our oldest and youngest child. We are grateful for Tricia, Troy, and Tiffany’s influence in Timothy’s life. They have selflessly put aside their schedules, faithfully attending games, concerts, and a myriad of other activities. Without fail, they have celebrated Timothy, responding to him with sky-rocket joy.
In Philippians 2: 26-30, the Apostle Paul observed the sky-rocket joy connection between Epaphroditus and the community of believers in Philippi. In fact, he encouraged the brothers and sisters of Christ to welcome Epaphroditus with great joy or sky-rocket joy. Responding to an individual with sky rocket joy elicits more joy. True joy can only be experienced through the presence of the grace of God. Actually, the Greek word for grace is derived from the same root, cha, as the words for inner joy, chara, and to rejoice, chairein.
A sky-rocket joy connection produces a dynamic message that an individual is more important than schedules, tasks, or circumstances.
A sky-rocket joy connection produces a dynamic message of acceptance and love.
A sky-rocket joy connection is guaranteed to blast the socks right off of individuals.
Intentionally celebrate specific individuals with sky-rocket joy.
Blast their socks off !
Learning with you to celebrate others with sky-rocket joy,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)
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