Monday, December 15, 2008

Rings of Hope

Question to think about: Will you intentionally engage in the activity of Christ today?

We are ringing the bell today for the Salvation Army in a mall, a Christmas tradition for our family. The Salvation Army brings help and hope around the world. Ringing the bell in a mall not only reminds shoppers of the need in the world but offers an opportunity to engage in the activity of Christ . . . Hope.

We either distract or draw people to the activity of God . . . Hope. In the first chapter of Luke, we read how the actions of the priest, Zachariah, revealed more about his unbelief than the activity of God:
When he finally did come out, he couldn’t speak to them. Then they realized from his gestures and his silence that he must have seen a vision in the sanctuary.(Luke 1:22, NLT)

Think about it . . . Zachariah received a message of hope that he could not communicate because of unbelief.

Think about it . . . Zachariah was old. He and Elizabeth did not have a child to carry on their priestly lineage. Common sense indicated that nothing would change.

Think about it . . . God broke through the problem . . . past common sense . . . changing life . . . forever. . . defining Hope.

Think about it . . . Christ, God with us, broke through humanity's hopelessness . . . we are invited to receive hope and ring it out to the world through our attitude and actions.

Intentionally let your life become a ring hope.
Be aware of the presence of Christ.
Look for the activity of God rather than focusing upon a problem.
Listen with your heart for the Spirit of God to direct you.
Respond . . . let others know about the hope of Christ, God with us.
Give up one thing (fast) until the New Year for more time and clarity with God . . . ask God how you are to reveal Hope.
Celebrate . . . the rings of hope will echo throughout eternity.

Learning with you how to ring out the message of Hope.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)