Question to think about: What problems are you facing that could be a tool of God?
I listened as two individuals described similar problems they were facing:
One perceives that nothing is working.
One believes that with God nothing is impossible.
One is focused on problems.
One sees possible solutions.
One blames.
One takes responsibility.
The list goes on . . . but the truth of the matter will be revealed in the outcome. I have seen it:
One will remain closed to the work of God.
One will receive the work of God.
One will experience increased pressure.
One will experience peace.
One will say, "Nothing is working."
One will say, "All is well."
Problems can lead to a pathway of peace for those who see that God is more powerful than any challenge in life. Problems can become God's tools. Look at the story of Zachariah. Everyone knew that Zachariah and Elizabeth were old and barren. They had failed to produce children to carry on the priestly lineage. Even so, they did the work they were assigned to do; however, they did not anticipate that God would use their problem to prepare the world for Christ, God with us:
It so happened that as Zachariah was carrying out his priestly duties before God, working the shift assigned to his regiment, it came his one turn in life to enter the sanctuary of God and burn incense. The congregation was gathered and praying outside the Temple at the hour of the incense offering. Unannounced, an angel of God appeared just to the right of the altar of incense. Zachariah was paralyzed in fear. (Luke 1:8-12, The Message)
Zachariah was paralyzed with fear when an angel of God interrupted his work. It would take nine months for him to process the fact that his problem would be used as God's tool.
What problem are you facing?
Are you willing to trust God to use the problem as a tool?
Take a stand in belief that nothing is impossible with God.
Surrender to the work of God.
Receive peace.
Look for the ways God will use your problem as a tool
Learning with you to experience problems as a tool of God.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)