Monday, December 1, 2008

The Last Day

Question to think about: Do you live as if this is your last day on earth?

Life changes in a moment. My friend will tell you that she had no idea that life would change when she headed home after work. It did. A semi-truck driver did not see her and pulled out on the country road that my friend was traveling on. The thought that life might end for her or her kids had not occurred to her. And . . . then . . . she crashed into the truck. In one moment, life on earth could have ended. The car was horribly wrecked; however, no one was harmed.

We could make a list of questions:
Why did the truck driver miss seeing my friend coming towards him?
Why did the truck driver choose that moment to pull out?
What circumstances led to the moment that truck driver and my friend crashed?
Why did my friend and her children as well as the truck driver escape injury and death?
The list of questions goes on; however, our actions may be more important than our answer. Perhaps we need to rethink how we live every day . . . with a distinct and specific purpose . . . a message that transcends circumstances . . . making every day count with the intensity as if it is the last day on earth.

So . . . how do we begin to live out a distinct and specific purpose in what we do and say on a daily basis? The core of a Christ follower's purpose can be determined in the last words that Zechariah had as he told about the future coming of Christ:

. . . To guide our feet into the way of peace. ( Luke 1:79b,NASB)
Christ followers have the distinct purpose of demonstrating the way to live . . . the way of peace . . . well-being.

Each day we need to ask ourselves . . . do my words, behavior, and actions guide others to the way of peace?

Live today as if it is your last day on earth.
Live out the message of Christ.
Guide others to the way of peace through your words, behavior, and actions . . . which begins with inner peace . . . well-being.

Learning with you to live as if it is the last day on earth.
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)