Today's question to meditate on: Does the Light of God shine through everything you think, do, and say?
"There is no judgment awaiting those who trust him. But those who do not trust him have already been judged for not believing in the only Son of God.
Their judgment is based on this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.
They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness. They stay away from the light for fear their sins will be exposed and they will be punished.
But those who do what is right come to the light gladly, so everyone can see that they are doing what God wants." (John 3:18-21, NLT)
One thing is for sure, regardless of who we are, what we do will eventually be found out. The greatest example in this era, are all the people that end up on the internet's infamous YouTube without intending to have their behavior seen or their words heard. Many of these individuals are often in front of news reporters and begin to feel an ease and comfort around them; they say and do inappropriate things when they think the cameras and microphones are off. Um . . . yeah . . . not a good idea.
The thing is . . . yesterday, I heard a message with crude words from one man that thought that he could keep his identity unknown. Well, I figured out his identity and I do not have sleuth skills . . . actually, I have met him in another community . . . where he is in ministry. There are many lessons in this little incident. The greatest lesson is to realize whatever we try to hide will be found out . . . whether it is something small or little. John wrote, "The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." (John 1:5, NLT)
So, really, we can't hide anything?
Turns out, we become emotionally, physically, and spiritually unhealthy when we hide what we do and say. The issue is trusting God. The results are that others will not trust us after what has been hidden is revealed.
Jesus, God with us, said that when we come to the light everyone can see that we are doing what God wants. It is the healthiest most purposeful way to live. There is healing, freedom, and liberation when we live in the light of God rather than in the pain of dark and hidden thoughts, words, and actions. It is a matter of trusting God.
Evaluate all of your acts, words, and thoughts.
Ask God to reveal what you are hiding, even to yourself.
Trust God.
Let the Light of God pour into that area of your life.
Let the Light of God shine in every area.
Shine on.
Learning with you to live in the Light of God through trust,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)