Thursday, August 14, 2008

Did You Receive Your Assignment?

Today's question to meditate on: What is your assignment?

"God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it." John 3:17, NLT)

I had a friend that was known for his axioms. He often said, "Life is short. Live it well." He was still saying it before he died in his mid-nineties. Shortly after World War II, he went to Japan in order to live and work with the people that had their lives turned upside down from the devastation of war. When he came back to the states, he continued to purposefully look for ways to be a reconciler of people. He did it very well.

What was his secret to living life well?
The answer is easy for me. He purposefully and methodically lived in an active-participating relationship with God. My friend knew and said God is at work all the time. His life purpose was centered on being a part of whatever God was doing in his corner of the world. Rather than letting the days of his life pass by, my friend knew that God had a daily assignment for him.

Life changes when we participate in an active relationship with God and seek out our daily assignment. Jesus, God with us, came to save us from a life without God; we are not only extended an invitation to live in a relationship with Him but to live in an ongoing and active-participating relationship that includes being a vital component of his work.

Life is short.
Pursue an active relationship with God today.
Take time to be still . . . listen . . . receive your assignment for the day.
Live well.
Learning with you to complete the daily assignments,

(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2008 All Rights Reserved)