THEN MOSES and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord, saying, I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider or its chariot has He thrown into the sea.
(Exodus 15: 1, AMP)
A fellow student shared a story . . . actually not just a story . . . an amazing true story. He grew up in a place where the government hassled Christ-followers and dictated the churches; however, his family openly professed their faith in Christ and pastored a church without the sanction of the government. My friend's family received routine terrorizing visits from the police during his childhood. The police focused on his father who often would be beaten and imprisoned. Despite their difficulties, their faith grew and their commitment to serve Christ deepened.
Faith that grows in the midst of persecution is authentic faith. Honestly, most Westerners have not experienced persecution of that magnitude for following Christ. Faith is acceptable, often . . . comfortable . . . and rarely a risk.
The Israelites lived a life of oppression and persecution. Their persecutors terrorized them to the end. Their faith soared when they realized that God had protected them and their persecutors perished. They stopped . . . in awe of God . . . and sang . . . imagine the sound of music . . . given the fact that it has been estimated that there were approximately 2 million people . . . a population of a very large city . . . all singing. They did not know the details of their future but they put their faith in God and sang.
How does faith grow?
What is honestly worth the risk to have faith in Christ?
What do you put your faith in?
Take time to assess your faith.
Determine to have uncomfortable faith.
Sing to God.
Learning with you to live with uncomfortable faith,