So as the sun began to rise, Moses raised his hand over the sea. The water roared back into its usual place, and the LORD swept the terrified Egyptians into the surging currents.
(Exodus 14: 27, NLT)
The storm has passed; however, the path of the storm’s destruction remains. Some individuals had to be evacuated; others remain in the dark today. Floods and high winds have left messes behind them.
Storms in our personal lives are similar. Unforeseen problems can seem to gain power and create messes to clean up. Exodus 14 paints a picture of the messiness of life. The Israelites who lived for centuries under oppression are released and then pursued. God provided the estimated two million men, women, and children with a pathway to freedom; however, it takes time and effort to move across the pathway. The Egyptians, the oppressors and pursuers, can’t let go of what they want, and put all of their effort and energy into what they wanted. What a mess . . .
The messiness of life makes me tired. Seriously . . . the picture of the Israelites reflect the process of being released from problems . . . problems become a part of the past . . . release occurs . . . BUT . . . the problems return with a vengeance.
Or . . . the picture of Egyptians reflect the problem of letting go of wants and habits . . . things that don’t belong . . . the process of letting go of what doesn’t belong in life is downright difficult . . . finally what doesn’t belong is let go . . . BUT . . . it is too difficult to let go . . . so all energy and effort is directed to the problem of getting back what doesn’t belong in life.
Then . . . a new day . . . the sun comes up and God issues power to Moses . . . the wall of waters begin moving with a roar . . . and the Egyptians are left to drown. WOW!
Moving through problems can be difficult but God entrusts those who seek Him with power to move through the process. BUT . . . Umm . . . yeah . . . turns out putting energy and effort into whatever does not belong in our life is not a good idea. Life is messy.
Christ Jesus purposefully experienced the messiness of humanity.
Christ Jesus promises to never leave us in our personal messiness of life.
Christ Jesus invites us to come to Him in the messiness of life . . .
Today is a new day.
Let go of what needs to be let go.
Receive the power of Christ to move forward.
Learning with you that how to process the messiness through Christ,
(All devotions written by Kerrie Palmer ©2007 All Rights Reserved)